Hello everyone,
I've been taking T3/T4 combination for over 3 years. T4 alone did very little to relieve my hypothyroid symptoms, but after 8 months of just T4, starting T3 resolved my symptoms almost overnight. At the time my GP wouldn't prescribe even though she acknowledged that other patients dervived benefit from it and self prescribed. So I have been buying my own T3 & monitor using private blood tests. I now can't afford to buy T3. I explained to my GP, & he said that I would need an NHS endocrinologist to assess my need before he was permitted to prescribe - a private endocrinologist's recommendation would not be acceptable !! So he referred me to the NHS endo. whom he says has prescribed T3 to other patients in the practice.
Unfortunately it is an 8 month wait for my appointment. My GP will not prescribe T3 in the interim as he says it is against practice policy & local guidance. I explained to him that if I stopped T3 my symptoms would return (severe brain fog, weight gain, exercise intolerance, poor sleep, heart irregularities, constipation, dry eye....etc etc - I'm sure many of you will be familiar) and that I would be in his surgery more often than ever. Essentially, by not prescribing he would make me unwell again. Surely it would be dangerous for me to just stop taking T3 suddenly? He agreed to refer me to the practice manager to discuss.....
My understanding is that GP's can use their clinical judgement to prescibe T3 in certain cases - is that true? What documents on guidance/national policy could I present to the Practice Manager/my GP to support my case?
Thanks for the help in advance !!