I'm really struggling to get back onto my diet and have developed low Vitamin D, Iron and Folic Acid levels because of it.
I have been prescribed by my doctor
Ferrous Sulphate - 200mg - One twice a day
HuxD3 - 20,000 IU Colecalciferol - One twice a week
Folic Acid - 5mg - One a day
Am I ok to take them all together? My prescription for Folic Acid and Vitamin D were sent electronically and now that i am back home i've realised there is no leaflet inside them. all the info i have is the dose and how often. Also, does anyone know of any Iron tablets that are better to take than the sulphate? I have to take them twice a day but can't have Tea, Coffee, Milk, Eggs or Wholegrains an hour before or 2 hours after taking the tablet.
I was also prescribed Laxido as i've been having lots of problems with my stomach/liver. I haven't taken any yet as i started working nights and it completely through me on when was best to take them. Since then after some tests it looks like i have IBS but wont know for sure till i have my ultrasound on the 23rd May. Should i start taking them or wait to find out the results of my ultrasound? I am back to working days too which will hopefully help.
Any advice appreciated, Nikki