Hi, my daughter has been on Armour for 1 month this coming Monday, she's not feeling any different at the moment.
Starting dose was 1 grain split twice daily
after x2 weeks upped by 1/2 grain
due to up another 1/2 grain on Monday (making it x2 grains)
every 2 weeks she'll be raising by 1/2 grain monitoring BP & HR & temp and self
I've recently been reading people's posts and a lot of people are commenting that Armour isn't producing the desired effects that it used to?... and they say WP Thyroid is more pure with less fillers?
She has enough Armour for a least a month but I'm just considering if I should order the WP thyroid.
Does anyone have anything further to add to help me make my decision?
Many thanks for reading
Vic xxx