I don't know we're to start in buying iron ferritin and vit d and wich other supplements to take them with for best results????
Low iron and ferritin and vit d can anyone tell... - Thyroid UK
Low iron and ferritin and vit d can anyone tell me the best products to buy plsssssssss

Any vit d3 will do at the chemist. Some think sprays work better. Have you tested your levels? 2000 iu a day should help in the winter .. But you will need more than that if you r low.
Do you have a ferritin test result? If it is low, try ferrous bisglycinate or ferrous fume rate. Ferrous sulphate is cheap, but constipation is a risk.
Be sure to take K 2 vitamin with your D 3. The K 2 will make sure that the calcium you ingest will end up in your skeleton and teeth and NOT in your arteries and soft tissues.
This is a brand of iron supplement that my friend, a registered nurse, swears by. The dosage is supposed to be 3 per day but she likes the fact that she can dose more or less as she chooses with no side effects. It also comes in a one-a-day, slow release, that she doesn't like to use since she can't adjust the daily dosage.
Some also supplement with black strap molasses, a natural mineral/iron source. Take a tablespoon with meals.
Hi phoenix23002
This iron supplement has 85mg of iron in it, is that right? Are there no side effects, really ?
I am taking Optiferin C which a lot of people recommended, but I am suffering badly from constipation.
Constipation is one of the most common side effects from iron supplementation. Do read the reviews of this product on Amazon UK and Amazon USA. People seem to do well on it. The 85 mgs is the total for 3 gel caps. You can start off with just one of the gel caps ( 28 - 30 mgs of iron) and work up to a full dose (3 gel caps daily) over the course of a few weeks.
Here is the Hemaplex Amazon USA website with reviews...
My friend struggled for 3 - 4 yrs to get her iron levels up with no success until she tried this product. She has been on it for a year and her levels have increased nicely. Do take iron with Vit C as it seems to help iron absorption.
You know how they tell you to take Vit C to bowel tolerance?... until the high Vit C gives you diarrhea? Maybe a good idea to try? That 'bowel tolerance' is different for everyone. For some, it can be 2000 mgs. For others, it can be as high as 6 - 8000 mgs. Always drink plenty of fluids.
Also one of the side effects of supplementing with magnesium is that one can develop loose stools. Maybe try that? Hopefully, when you find an iron supplement that suits you and doesn't give you constipation, the problem will resolve on it's own.
Don't worry about brands for D3 - any will do, so long as they have enough D3 per tablet. So if your wife is low in D, and especially if she is thinking about getting pregnant, she should not be taking less than 5,000iu (international units) a day, possibly more, depending on how low she is. But definitely not less than that. If you look at the Vitamin D Council site you will find a lot of useful information there. It is probably better to take a daily dose than a weekly enormous dose.
On the iron, again it depends how low she is. You should find quite cheap iron bisglycinate pills in the chemist. I would buy from a small chemist, not a supermarket, and look for one with a good stock of vitamins, then you can talk to the pharmacist there about them. If you have a print out of your wife's levels that would be helpful.
How is she feeling, and would she be happy to have her test results posted (TSH etc) so members here can comment? Are there language issues, is that why you are posting on her behalf?
Obviously it is very very important that she gets nutrient levels up and that her thyroid is optimally treated before considering pregnancy, and it is great that you are both on that case.
Hey as for getting pregnant no way thank u we have 18 and 15 year old I'm doing the communicating cause she so confused by all this stuff and she obviously trusts me with her health but ya I posted a long post yesterday with all her most recent results so if u can check it out and comment that be great 😀
That made me laugh..... be careful that your wife's improved health may just bring on the side effect of a pregnancy. LOL

You need to supplement with K2 when taking Vit D. I have just purchased 250 tabs X 1 per day. They have K2 included for £13.99 from Amazon a company called Oxford Vitality. They are 5000 iu Vit D and 100mcg of K2. Only been taking for a few days so can't give big review on them. They had good feedback on the site though. I did phone the company up because it looked like a contradiction on their recommended dose. It said 1 per day on the details but don't take one a day on the reverse??? They said it was for legalities because of the high dose. I can't recommend Iron because I don't supplement with that sorry. x
Thank u so much I will have a look👍🏻