Hi, I think I am going crazy, so hopefully some / one of you will be able to help me or even empathy at this point would be massive support.
My problems began after the birth of my last baby 4years ago, I wasn't feeling right all through the pregnancy and put it down to a change in my hormones but after the birth I still just didn't feel right so I had a blood test and was told everything is ok. Fast forward a bit and In December 2013 I lost my voice, had a very dry cough and flu like symptoms little bit of temperature nothing big so i just ignored it. My voice returned but the cough continued with the same flu like symptoms so I went to the doctors. I was told that it's probably viral. 5 days later with a high temperature I returned to the doctor I couldn't hear in my left ear but they couldn't see an infection but I end up with 250mg amoxicillin "just in case".
Long story short , my cough and every 2 weeks temperature didn't stop, plus lots of other things like nose bleeds, headaches, heart arrhythmia, constantly tired, short of breath, feeling depressed, painful and irregular periods, hair loss..
Finally after 7 GP visits, 7 lots of antibiotics, a clear chest X-ray and an apparently clear neck / thyroid scan (which I had to ask for) and still no diagnosis (it was now October 2014) I decided to go to Slovakia where I am originally from.
I had asthma and allergy tests - all clear, I was tested for atypical bacterial infections and they said that I had chest chlamydia and mycoplasma but they could tell me when but I had the antibodies in my blood. They did a flow cytology blood test and told me that immunity was very low. They also said that I have low iron and high cholesterol. I also visited a gynaecologist and every test come back normal. The last doctor I visited was an endocrinologist and they did a full check up. My blood test didn't show anything, my thyroid is in normal size range but on the scan they found 1 4mm nodule on right side and 2 small nodule on left side and 2 "areas" also on the left side. The Doctor said that just by looking at the nodules they can't rule out any disorder and she suggested that I come back in 3 months and if there was a change then she would do a biopsy.
I returned to the UK with all the results hoping that the immunity support treatment what they gave me back in Slovakia would help and the doctors here will monitor the thyroid, and problem would be sorted.
I did feel better for a month my cough stopped and I had little bit more energy but in the middle of November everything came back except this time I felt a small pea size ball in my neck on the left side. I went back to the GP with all the paper results from Slovakia and he referred me to ENT. Whilst waiting to see ENT I was diagnosed with shingles (they were under my armpit on the left side). 2 weeks later I saw an ENT specialist and after a short examination I have been told that the lymph node may be up because the shingles and they very happy to discharge me. I showed them the thyroid scan what I had done in Slovakia but they said is nothing to do with it but if I want they can repeat the scan. My appointment come in 3 weeks and I was booked for a Fine Needle Aspiration they scan they found only one nodule on my thyroid on the right side and the lymph node on the left side was just slightly enlarged. Even after showing them my previous scan they were positive that there was nothing on the left side of the thyroid. On my way from the hospital I booked myself to see a private radiologist (the following day).They confirmed the same findings as the Endocrinologist in Slovakia. I went back to the ENT where they referred me to see another ENT consultant in another hospital (The thyrpid specialist for my area), they did a scan and also performed Fine Needle Aspiration of "the area" on the left side. All this happened in February this year (2015) and after me calling them every week to find out my results I just saw the consultant (10weeks after my biopsy) and I have been told that results are Th3a what is basically abnormal atypical cells they can't tell what is going on, my blood is normal so they will repeat the biopsy in 6months. Even after telling them I am ill every 2 weeks, sleeping 12 hours and still tired during the day, have pain in my left side of the neck, cough stopped but I have urge to clean my throat, my skin is dry and have painful spots all over my chin and they said its nothing to do with my thyroid or neck and I should see a dentist ( like I didn't) ... I am desperate for some answers I don't know what to do.I am taking a lots of supplements and vitamins and antioxidants-selenium, iodine,all B, D, Iron, magnesium.My husband took me for a long weekend to the Italy to have some break from everything, but I just spoiled it for him as I had such a mood swings and I can't control my behaviour. When I try talking to him and specially about it medical stuff we end up arguing. My friends don't understand and I am just in this vicious circle of being sick and tired, angry, emotional and feel like going mad...
Is there any other person here what can relate to this and help me what to do next..