I have been reading on thyroid, t4, t3 for over 2 years now, and have finally decided to put my sh*t in writing and ask.
2 years ago, I had an issue with a nodule on my right side of my thyroid. My dr. told me he would need to remove the right side due to the fact he could not rule out cancer because of the type of nodule? Anyway, I was scared and had the surgery done. The next morning, I woke and felt extreme pain on my left side. My dr. called me and asked me to come in to see him. I went in, to find that he removed the wrong side, hence my left side killing me. I should have done so many things different!! Like never had the surgery to start. Anyway, the surgeon, advised I have the surgery done to remove the right side, again, saying Cancer....I had it done by another surgeon, I was petrified. Anyway, to date, I have not been able to find a dr., to understand I am NOT the same person. My question: what are your thoughts on my stopping synthroid altogether and staying on the t3, I purchased myself, as 5 dr's have laughed at me and said they would not prescribe t3 because it does nothing.