Has any one had slight edgy feeling after starting magnesium? Only taking 375 after breakfast in the morning.
Magnesium: Has any one had slight edgy feeling... - Thyroid UK

You mean directly after taking your dose and then it goes away? Or a permenant edgy feeling since you started it? Maybe you're taking it too close to your thyroid hormone, so the hormone doesn't get absorbed properly.
Thanks. Today I didn't take the magnesium and felt better. Maybe I should start with half the dose.
How much are you taking? What time do you take it? I Don't think magnesium is one of the things you have to start low and work up, you just take about 300 - 400, some people suggest even more. I haven't heard of side-effects from magnesium.
Have a look at this :
I take it about 10 am. I think maybe I should try taking the lower dose. I have always been very sensitive to all types of medicines and supplements.Thanks for the reply
Hi I take magnesium on a script so have to have a weekly blood test to check the levels for safety.
Maybe there's a filler in it that doesnt agree with you?
Much better to take at bedtime to aid sleep.