So I managed to get an appointment back at my Doctor's surgery to discuss my latest blood test results and what to do from there and I was totally dreading it!
Last time I saw a male doctor who was totally patronising to me and basically told me to get off my bottom and exercise more and that I would feel better then!
I rang the surgery to get my latest blood test results to check if I was also peri menopausal or actually menopausal and my prolactin levels and was told I was normal - this mystified me somewhat because my symptoms didn't fit normal - when I saw a female doctor at my appointment she took one look at the results and shook her head and said yes they were normal for someone who is peri-menopausal which made much more sense and this is what I had suspected!
She then actually listened to me as I described that I had found the Thyroid UK website, done my research, said that my TSH although in the normal range wouldn't be classed as normal in America and that I had many clinical symptoms - over 40 on the checklist which I described!
She totally agreed after listening that I should be blood tested for the remaining Thyroid tests and antibodies plus the mineral tests for folate, iron, ferritin, vit D and also magnesium due to my sometime sugar cravings to see if it is indeed a thyroid issue.
I am booked in to have these next week and she asked for me to come back and see her afterwards. She also told me that she wasn't averse to giving me a trial of 25mg levo to see if I feel better but we'll hopefully know more after the blood tests come back. Fingers crossed!