I sometimes experience itchy hot shins and calves - especially at night. Has anybody experienced this. I have an underactive thyroid I have already had the radioactive iodine treatment for an overactive thyroid a few years back.
I sometimes experience itchy hot shins and calv... - Thyroid UK
I sometimes experience itchy hot shins and calves - especially at night. Does anybody else experience this problem.

Perhaps you can glean some information from the results of a quick search on 'shin', it has been reported quite often here.
Not got a rash have you? Worth googling pretibial myexodema, which can accompany thyroid problems. :-(.
Its fixed apparantly with cortisone cream which you can buy ott. Has he tried the cream? E 45 do one.
I get pain in my shins, hot feet(sometimes feel dead in places on the sole) I have a feeling it's allergic reaction to gluten as it only happens sometimes
My road to Thyroidism was similar to yours, May. I often get what I call 'silly legs' in the evening or at night with my legs up (on the sofa or when in bed). I believe there is a 'restless' legs syndrome and this may be it. I get a sensation of not being able to bear to keep the legs still; they sort of 'itch' but not in a way you can scratch, and they feel hot. If in bed, cooling them helps (sticking them out of the duvet). If on the sofa I just have to get up and move about. Does moving about help yours?

Humphrey, low iron can cause what you describe.
I used to really suffer when my ferritin was low, but since getting my iron levels up it has stopped being a problem.
Sadly there is just no way I can use an iron supplement. I've tried the lot.

Humphrey, try magnesium oil spray. Restless legs is often caused by magnesium deficiency and high calcium. I use a product by a company called Better You and find it really helpful. You can get it in Holland & Barrett. I also take baths with magnesium chloride flakes. Great muscle relaxant and sleep aid. I buy the flakes in bulk as it works out cheaper that way.
You may not be surprised to learn that I don't tolerate Magnesium well either! I have a spray. It makes me feel very sick and limp. Tablets were worse.
But thank you for the kind suggestions, both.

Sorry to hear that Humphrey. Magnesium could indeed make you feel limp as it is a relaxant. Have you tried only a very small amount? I've heard that some people find that eating a banana is helpful as it contains potassium!
Thank you, Brownlow: I will try both the very small amount of Magnesium and the banana (not both at once ...).
I didn't know Magnesium was a relaxant. It does sound as if I just plain overdosed. The instructions on the spray are gnomic.