such as IBS, Depression, Heavy Periods, extreme fatigue, insomnia, sometimes yellow of the eyes, feeling sluggish, memory loss, numbness of hands and feet, aches and pains. Although i would not like anon else to have these symptoms it would help to know I'm not alone, i was diagnosed in 2005 with underactive thyroid and have not felt normal since, i am currently on 125mg throxine . I am so fed up with feeling like this and sick and tired of always being sick and tired, i am currently off work with depression, i just want to feel well. Please help
Hi im new to this site, i wondered if anybody e... - Thyroid UK
Hi im new to this site, i wondered if anybody else has other health problems?

This series of videos from functional medicine explains why there are so many symptoms from low thyroid. This one pertains to progesterone.
Are you on any thyroid medication and have you had blood tests recently? If so, post results here with reference ranges, Also ask your GP to check Free T4 and Free T3, not just the usual TSH, if you have not had these done recently. Finally ask GP to do a full iron panel plus B12, Folate and Vit D. These should help work out what is wrong. Hope you get help soon and yes, many of us here have some or all of those symptoms. You will get better but it is a rocky road! x
Just seen you are on meds already, so just a case of finding out if you are enough and the right ones.
Hi... I am new on this site too, and have been blown away by how helpful everyone is, and by how much information is available. I have been on 125mcg for a number of years and to my horror, my doctor has just reduced the dose even though I have all the symptoms of hypo
My memory has become awful the past couple of months. I forgot to go to my friends last week (I go every week!), and I have to refer to a knitting pattern over and over again as I can't remember what row I am on.
I wake at least four times every night, often more. I have aches and pains that my doctor has been blaming my age for since I was 43.
Oh yeah... depression....that too
You are not alone, and I hope you can feel better soon x
Thank you for your help everyone, i have only just found this site even though i was diagnosed in 2005 it took a good 18 months - 2years before i was diagnosed, 2 years ago i was under an endcrologist as i was still feeling very poorly they increased me to 100mg i was then on 50mg this feeling of feeling so ill and tired all the time is awl full the past couple of weeks i have been irritable and low too that i really feel sorry for my 11 year old daughter who has to put up with me, i honestly feel so ill at the moment with sluggishness no energy and exhaustion life feels so tough, on top of how I'm feeling, i try my best to care for my sister who has severe arthritis and now my dad is recovering from 2 brain bleeds, my mum died 10years ago from a stroke and feel so lost without her.
Also as well as 125mg throxine i have just started 15mg mirtazapine has anyone else been on mirtazapine for depression and if so have you had side affects? or has it helped you?
Elaine I am sorry you have had difficult family problems to cope with. It is even more difficult if you have health difficulties too.
If you get a print-out or copy of your most recent blood test results from your surgery (you are entitled) complete with the ranges and post them on a new question for members to comment on them.
All of the symptoms you state above are clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism and maybe you are not on enough thyroid gland medication. You may be undermedicated..
Depression is a clinical symptom of hypothyroidism (not just because we keep complaining) I always wonder why GP's do not give a trial of some T3 (the active hormone which every cell in our body requires of which our brain has the most) to see if it benefits patients.
I am so sorry for your loss, and for everything you are going through. You have it hard hun... sending virtual hugs x
These are excerpts from Dr Lowe :-
1 These studies and others prove a point that should horrify anyone with a humane concern for the welfare of patients: Many thyroid diagnoses and dosage decisions doctors make based on blood level testing are bound to vary, depending on timing. In other words, which thirty-minute period on which day and which week the patients’ blood is drawn for testing can cause variation in test results, and thus variation and inconsistency in decisions that are based on those results.
raser also found that some patients who had hypothyroid symptoms also had low TSH levels. Most conventional doctors would falsely believe these patients, too, were overtreated with T4. They would therefore lower the patients’ dosages, intensifying the hypothyroid symptoms they were already suffering from.
The Fraser study also shows the fallibility of the free T4 test. Among 18 patients who were still suffering from hypothyroid symptoms, 4 (22%) had free T4 levels above the upper limit of the reference range. This gave a false signal that the patients were overtreated with T4, when it fact they were undertreated. Again, most doctors would make these patients lower their dosages. This would most likely worsen the patients’ symptoms.
In the recent community-based study in the UK, 48.6% of patients had persisting hypothyroid symptoms despite being on T4-replacement and having "normal" TSH levels.[21] Moreover, each of four replacement studies published in 2003 showed that hypothyroid patients on T4-replacement still suffered from hypothyroid symptoms or abnormal scores on tests of health status.[26][27][28][29]
In the UK community study, 35% of people considered not to have hypothyroidism had hypothyroid or hypothyroid-like symptoms. My Editor, Jackie Yellin, made a noteworthy conjecture about these people whom the researchers presumed not to have too little thyroid hormone regulation: Many hypothyroid patients on T4-replacement with "normal" TSH levels continue to suffer from hypothyroid symptoms;[21][26][27][28][29] similarly, it’s quite possible that the "hypothyroid-like" symptoms of this 35% were caused by too little thyroid hormone regulation, despite their "normal" TSH levels.
Hi, sorry to hear how unwell you are feeling. I know myself how hard it is to care for children when you feel so rough. From my experience these symptoms all sound like your hypothyroid is not optimally treated. Suggest you follow Hennerton's advice first.
Yes please get blood tests and post your results here - you may want to check for Jaundice (just a thought with yellowy eyes - that's what my grandaughters' had). My joint pain eased by supplementing Vit D and low B12 can be an underlying cause of numbness and memory loss. Have a look around the forum and main site - hope you feel better soon. Jane
Idid see my G.P last week but i was so stressed out, upset and really low that i did not manage to get my blood results, i will at the next appt, he has upped my anti depressed because I'm so low, i really don't feel well i have come out in psorosis all over my stomach, back & arms i ve never had before its so sore & itchy my mood is so low i feel so heavey headed everything seems like a complete struggle at the moment i feel really do not feel myself - so aggited & irritable. he has now referred me to the crisis intervention service. i just want to feel well & want to be ok for my daughter