As per usual this has turned into a bit of a splurge, but wanted to try and give a full picture as I am interested to hear from anyone who has experienced similar.
Diagnosed with Hashimoto's in January of this year. Since late summer have been on 75mcg of levo daily. Last blood test 21st Oct:
Serum Free T3 3.9pmol/L [range 3.9-6.8],
TSH 0.12mU/L [0.3-5], and
T4 16.3pmol/L [11-23]
Through the Autumn and at the time I had this test was feeling a lot better but three weeks ago started to feel unwell again and things are still spiralling downwards.
Feeling unwell, I started to dig around for information and came across the following in a Mary Shomon article:
"Some patients who have the autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis are diagnosed during a period when they are hypothyroid. But in a thyroid that is failing due to autoimmune disease, the thyroid can frequently sputter into overdrive, then back into underactivity, and into overdrive again, as it "burns itself out" over time. You can, therefore, experience periods of overactivity - hyperthyroidism - even while your thyroid is underactive over time and generally on its way to burning itself out. So, you can experience hypothyroidism symptoms, but periodically have hyperthyroidism symptoms that also appear."
I always just assumed with Hashimoto's you were Hypothyroid........end of story....
I finally took myself off to the doctors this morning and just said that I thought I needed to have a blood test because I suspected my dose of levo wasn't right. I didn't mention anything about my reading or being HYPER. When I told him my symptoms the doctor immediately said that it sounds like my dose is too high.
1) Headaches that last between 2-4 days. Painkillers don't help. When I have one of these headaches I also feel what I would describe as hypoglycaemic. Sort of jittery and I need to keep eating. I NEVER MISS A MEAL, and have a super healthy diet but when I am having one of these episodes I might eat might usual bowl of porridge for breakfast but then an hour or two later feel jittery and need to eat again........ and so on throughout the day. . Eating soothes my symptoms but not for long. In addition, thinking feels like just too much trouble during one of these episodes (I wonder if this is the "brain fog" that I see in other people's posts)- I really struggle through my working day when I am like this and might often come straight home to bed. When it is really bad, I just shut down and have to lie down in a darkened room.
2) Insomnia - dropping off quickly enough, but waking in the early hours and not being able to get back to sleep. Despite the lack of sleep not "tired", more "wired".
3) Feeling "washed out" - like I am going down with something. I look very pale and washed out. Could be just the lack of sleep!
4) Heart palpitations. Not that frequent but, for example, last time I had one of my headaches (last week) it coincided with some noticeable palpitations (quite dramatic actually, but I felt so ill I just lay there and thought "whatever"!). Not a racing heart though. (Doctor took my pulse this morning and said it was on the lower end of normal.)
As things currently stand have a blood test booked for 3rd Jan, am going to continue on my 75mcg until then.
Additional info that may be relevant
1) I was also diagnosed with osteoporosis at the same time as the Hashimoto's. (That's Hyperthyroid isn't it)
2) Although I have a healthy appetite and consume extra-large amounts during my headache episodes I am thin (........... and for that I count my lucky stars!)
Any thoughts/observations/shared experiences would be much appreciated.
Would be particularly interested from anyone who has the weird headache/jittery/eating episodes or anyone who has any sleep tips.
If you have persevered through to this point ................THANK YOU!