For those of you who can't handle the suspense (sometimes just getting out of BED is suspenseful enough) here is the end of part one - and the beginning of part two:
Hubby was so wasted by the end of last summer he couldn't stay awake for more than an hour a day. While thyroid therapy helped tremendously for a month or so, by then it didn't seem to matter how he played with the ratios of T4 and T3 - the pain was back with a vengeance, his digestive tract shut down, the appetite was gone.
At the end of September his sinusitis turned into a low-grade fever with extreme air hunger, followed by pneumonia. Afterwards I learned that pneumonia was a sign of total system failure.
I'm glad I wasn't aware how dire the situation was at the time. I might have given up too soon.
At that same time I stumbled across results of a study from India showing how they reversed cases of spinal cord degeneration with B12 shots. Thank God my Russian-born GP agreed to give it a go. After the third cyano injection, we saw modest improvement.
By the end of week one, my husband was back on his feet.
The moral of this story is, like many of people here with serious thyroid problems, we were sure that once the thyroid was under control everything else would follow. It ain't necessarily so. Being overly - focused on thyroid or B12 levels makes you oblivious to the fact that our bodies are incredibly complex machines. By the time we were aware there was a serious health problem, it was already a chain of problems which started years before. What we saw was just the tip of a very deep, deadly iceberg.
Of course all doctors know this stuff, right? It's shocking to realize how many don't.
To illustrate how easy it is to lose sight of an entire forest by focusing on a few trees, I'd like to show you a fascinating update by an American hematologist Dr. Ralph Carmel . It's a longish paper, but well-worth the read.
PA people will be interested in seeing the standards American doctors use to diagnose B12 deficiency. Many thyroid people might be surprised to discover that some of their most difficult health problems may not be a result of thyroid malfunction at all. asheducationbook.hematology...
The second link is a case report of a man with a "mobile sign" of B12 deficiency.