Hi all,
I have recently found this board and wish I had found it sooner. I am 26 and have been taking Levoythroxine for about 5 years. I was told I was borderline hypo and had symptoms including extreme tiredness, anxiousness, sweaty hands etc. and put on 25mg, then 50 mg, then 75 mg, for the last 4 years I have been taking 50mg daily.
I have not felt 100% for a long time (all the associated symptoms), even when taking the thyroxine. Then about 4 weeks ago the symptoms got a lot worse (bones were in agony, shaking, sweating, anxious, racing thoughts, night sweats, breathlessness, very confused, emotional - I was in a mess!). One night (I take mine at night), I did not take my thyroxine...symptoms reduced dramatically ....next night I took 1/2 a thyroxine tablet (symptoms came right back).
I went to the doctor (a new doctor for me as I have just moved location)who gave me a blood test (after not taking thyroxine for about three days) and advised me to stop taking thyroxine for 4 weeks then repeat a blood test....today it is just over 4 weeks I went to another doctor (within the same practice) to get the slips for the blood, but this new doctor advised I should wait an additional 2 weeks as 6 weeks will give more accurate results.
Since stopping the thyroxine symptoms I have had for years have dramatically reduced, no major breathlessness, no heart palpitations but some still remain just not as severe such as the occasional night sweats, slightly sweaty hands and feet in the day , tiredness, pins and needles and memory problems/forgetfulnesses (which has been a big issue for me for years, very bad memory problems) and dry skin, but overall a better than the state I was in four weeks ago.
I was told four weeks ago, the results of my blood test were 'normal' but to buy some over the counter vitamin D tablets, I asked how much and she said whatever the pharmacists recommends. (previously I was prescribed vitamin D tablets but the old doctor told me to stop them - without having my bloods redone.)
Anyway here are the 'normal' blood results, any help with interpreting this would be much appreciated.
Free T4 = 15.4 pmol 9-24
TSH 4.0 mul 0.35-50
Ferritin 41 ugl 15-250
15 -OH Vitamin D 51 nmol 75 - 200 (Heritage is black Caribbean if that makes a difference)
and this
Thyroid Peroxidase SBD * 509 iu/ml 0-50
then a note saying: >75 IU/ml = raised antibody level, suggestive of autoimmune thyroid disease.
Also the doctor I saw today mentioned that my white blood cells were low.