Have just returned from visiting my gp without any good news. She has been in touch with the prescribing authority in Tayside who have never heard of Armour, but also told her they do not have any NDT on their list of approved drugs as thyroxine is the only one recommended by the NHS! Surprise!! She is trying to find out if there is anywhere that does supply NDT but does not believe she will be able to write even a private script as she will have to sign it and she may get into a lot of trouble. She did tell me that if there was a way to help me she was quite willing but was not happy to put her career in jeopardy, fair enough.
She has looked on this site and has said that I should be careful of taking all my research from untrained people as they do not understand the whole picture. I laughed and told her that the people who are suffering are often the ones who understand things far more than a gp or consultant who has not had the pleasure of the disease.
She told me there will not be an endo who will prescribe if the health authorities do not have the drugs on their list! I told her there were a few but as of yet I do not have their names or where they are located. She aske me to let her know if I find out and she is going to try to find a way to get NDT for me.
I asked about getting the whole list of blood tests when I go again in 4 weeks and she was very happy to agree and has put them on the form.
My last results taken AFTER I had taken my Thyroxine are:
Free Thyroxine : 21.6 (9.8 - 18.8)
TSH : 0.03 (0.4 - 4.0)
Free T3 : 4.2 (3.3 - 6.1)
She reduced my dose from 200mcg to 175mcg but I felt worse and went back to 200mcg. I feel better on this amount but not good.
The gp did warn me that doing too much research without having the medical training to interpret my research could be bad as I would not understand it! This was not what I expected to hear from her and shows she is judging my intelligence to be below hers. I actually find that rather offensive. (Especially since I passed the Mensa entrance).