Went to the GP with my results re Low T4, normal TSH. Lots of you suggested that I mention central hypothyroidism and ask for medication.
I went armed with my results, list of symptoms and information. I was point blankly refused a prescription on the grounds that my results are not low enough. I mentioned about my family member being recently prescribed Thyroxine even though her results weren't necessarily out of range but her GP did it based on her symptoms.
I mentioned central hypo and the doctor looked at my other hormone tests (fertility/sex hormones) and said there is nothing wrong with my pituitary.
I asked how I manage my symptoms in the meantime and they said they can't do anything for me.
Surprise, surprise I was told that many of my symptoms are typical of anxiety. I said I was fed up with coming to the doctors and being considered mentally ill when I know that there is something more to it than that. I also asked why they are being driven by numbers and results and not my symptoms.
I told my GP that I have done everything to stay fit and healthy this year (losing weight, exercising etc) so why do I feel so rubbish?
I am so upset. I said that I may consider self medicating and was told that they wouldn't recommend it and they won't discuss it.
So is it a conspiracy? What is the objection to medication? I just can't understand it.
Not sure where I go from here. Changing GP could be an option but how do you find one that will consider medicating? I could go through the whole change of GP and still not find a co-operative one.
Where can I go next?