I noticed that I had a medium size bump on my throat along with a hoarse voice and difficulty swallowing. After a google search I had a strong impression that my thyroid was having issues. I tried to get into an Endo but the wait was seven months. I decided to do a walk in lab and get a full thyroid panel. These are my results:
TSH .008 Range .450-4.500
Thyroxine (T4) 16.9 Range 4.5-12.0
T3 Uptake 41 Range 24-39
Free Thyroxine Index 6.9 Range 1.2-4.9
Free T4 4.37 Range .82-1.77
Antithyroglobulin 1.7 Range 0.0-0.9
Thyroid Peroxidase 159 Range 0-34
Triidothyronine, Free, Serum 15.9 Range 2.0-4.4
As you can imagine I pretty much freaked out. Cried, yelled, and felt hopeless. My diagnosis is Graves Disease. I had a baby 9 months ago and my husband is pulling for Postpartum Thyroiditis. I'm taking another blood test today to determine if it is Graves of PTT.
What do you guys see here ? Is it looking like Graves? I did get a sooner endo appointment, but honestly I personally feel the medication is worse than the disease! At least that's what I learned on here by reading these stories. I'm pretty scared. Any advice?