I've found a lump it seems to be getting bigger - Thyroid UK

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I've found a lump it seems to be getting bigger

Kirstylstocks profile image
23 Replies

Hi I'm hyperthyroid with graves disease my t3 and t4 levels are now find but my free thyroxine is 7.7. I'm now taking 50mg carbimizole instead of 40mg. I found a lump could be two mot 100% but theres definitely one lump on my neck this appears to be getting bigger. I had a radioactive scan a few month back February I think it was and it didnt show any nodules just swelling spreading across. Since that scan I've now developed a lump should I get my endo to look at this my gp looked at it but that was it he just said he thinks its because my thyroids are playing up. I'll show you the picture what do you think?

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Kirstylstocks profile image
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23 Replies
Greekchick profile image

Hi Kirstyl,

So sorry to hear you’ve got a lump there. I would have it checked out soon. If you feel either a lump or swelling, it should be examined. You may have a nodule forming, which would not be unusual for someone with Graves - but you want to make sure that the presence of the nodule (if that’s what it is) is noted. I would suggest an ultrasound for now to see what’s going on in there. Don’t take no for an answer.

It’s helpful to post all results with ranges because there are experts on the forum that will tell you if they are “fine” or not. I can’t tell from what you say whether the bloods are appropriate or not.

Hope you are doing better and follow up to let us know how you made out with MD. Sending you good wishes today.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to Greekchick

Can you see the lump in the photo? I have good days and bad days its hit and miss at the moment. When I last saw a doctor last week to get another sick note I mentioned anxiety so he began asking me questions. At the end of it he said from what you have explained to me I think anxiety isnt really the issue. You have depression so then he prescribed me some anti depressants I've to go back in 2 weeks time. I think the only person I can really push on to get me a scan would be my endo but he is on holiday at the moment but I do have an appointment with a surgeon on the 19th July. I'm thinking wait until i see him or should I push at getting to see my endo early

Greekchick profile image
Greekchick in reply to Kirstylstocks

Well, if you have an appt with a surgeon, he will run all the tests anyway - so not sure you need to rush. See if you can get to endo when he comes back from vacation if possible, but it’s again, not urgent unless you feel a change in symptoms like a fever, etc. Forget your GP - unfortunately, he doesn’t understand thyroid. The antidepressants may alleviate your anxiety, but I do not believe you are depressed. You are a Graves patient and by definition you are anxious! I hope you got your medical note.

Greekchick profile image

And yes, I do see the lump.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to Greekchick

I told him I've started sleep walking, I think negative all the time its causing arguments at home because I'm taking my partner the wrong way. I look too much into what he as said. And my past traumatic expierence keeps coming back and feels like only yesterday. When I look in mirror I dont like what I see because all I see is the swollen neck and lump. I want to change things like lose weight but I just cant do it. I will wait to see my surgeon like you said if he will do all the tests anyway. I want to be a happy mummy not a sad mummy although i do hide this from them I've lost friends because i think they dont want to know so i dont bother messaging anymore so then they dont bother with me and then tell me i never bothered with them so why should they bother.

Greekchick profile image
Greekchick in reply to Kirstylstocks

Hi Kirstyl,

You are in a bad place right now. Everything is all sixes and sevens. And part of what you are describing - taking things the wrong way, being negative - they are also partly caused by the Graves. You are overactive in all ways - and your emotions are running very high. And I know from personal experience the feeling of thinking you are a “bad mummy” - and I assure you, you are not - you are just very ill right now. I’m sorry your friends have left you in the lurch too . That is very sad because it’s at times like this that we need them.

Right now, you can’t change anything as quickly as you want to. I can tell you are overwhelmed and don’t know which way to turn. You will be seeing your docs soon, so at least that is a positive.

The only thing I can suggest - and I know it’s not a great solution to your problem and how you feel - is to accept that you are sick and will be getting the help you need but that things are not in your control right now. And everyone around you will also have to accept that you are ill, but that you will be better soon. You can’t change it.

I wish I could be of more help. But I am sending you good thoughts, hugs and prayers your way this evening (I know it’s night in the UK). 🤗 Have a cup of tea and watch a program you like or listen to some music you enjoy. That at least, you can do to take your mind off things for a little while. All the best.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to Greekchick

Thankyou so much I will have a really good think about your advice and yeah actually I will try do that thankyou. Its 10:20pm in the UK. So I think I'll put some meditation music on and drift off to sleep with it and thankyou for all the sopport you have given me

greygoose profile image

Do you have a range for that FT4 result? It looks rather low.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to greygoose

Agree !

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to greygoose

My t4 is 16 my free thyroxine is is 7.7

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Kirstylstocks

Yes, it's the FT4 we're interested in. But, just telling us it's 7.7 tells us nothing. What we need is the range - 7.7 is the result. The range is usually in brackets after the result. For example: (12 - 22). :)

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to greygoose

Just waiting on a call from occupational health once I got that I will dig my results out for you

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to greygoose

I'm having trouble understanding this paper work with my results on

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to greygoose

I've created a new post it as the pictures of my blood results but since I got that copy my free thyroxine as gone up to 7.7

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to greygoose

On the range used for the tests Kirstylstocks has posted elsewhere, the range for FT4 (although difficult to read) looks like 8-21.

It would be interesting to know what the FT3 result was for this most recent test (range for FT3 in previous tests was 3.?-6.0.)

Kirstylstocks, you mention in a previous post that your 'T4" was 16 and that your 'free thyroxine' had gone up to 7.7...although T4 as opposed to F(ree) T4 is sometimes tested separately, it wasn't shown on the results you published elsewhere, and I wonder if we've got a bit of confusion here ? 'Free thyroxine' is another way of saying 'FT4'...could it be that your Free thyroxine (FT4) is 16 and your FT3 is 7.7 ?

7.7 would be just BELOW range for FT4, so it would actually be a good thing for it to go up, although it would be highly optimistic to expect it to do so by much while you are taking 50mg of carbimazole. However, a result of 7.7 for FT3 would be over range, although not by a great deal.

A result of 16 for FT4 would be within range, and ok given the amount of carbimazole you are taking, especially if they are still trying to bring your FT3 under control.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Valarian

I think you're maybe right, there is some confusion. On Kirsty's new post, her FT3 is 7.7 - although I thought it said 7.1 - which is over-range. I think the range is 3.8 - 6. The corresponding FT4 is 14 (8 - 21). There are no results for T3 and T4.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to Valarian

Its definitely ft3 that is 7.7

Valarian profile image
Valarian in reply to Kirstylstocks

that makes sense...but FT3 is not 'free thyroxine' (that's FT4 :)

Your FT3 isn't horrendously over range, and fluctuations are part and parcel of autoimmune disease. Hopefully the increase in dose will bring your FT3 down quickly, but make sure you are having regular tests, otherwise you could find your levels dip below the bottom of the range.

This won't be a problem, it should easily resolve when they reduce the carbimazole - but after months of being hyper, it won't be very comfortable !

ThyroidThora profile image


Try not to worry about the lump you are feeling. It looks more like a swelling and is probably a goitre. Goitres (swellings) are common in people with thyroid conditions and can come and go at will. I've had thyroid cancer removed and these types of cancer take years and years to grow so, I think your lump is most probably a goitre. Do you eat lots of brassica vegetables such as, kale, broccoli, cauliflower etc? If so, cut them out of your diet or reduce your consumption drastically because they cause goitres in people that are sensitive to the goitre forming compounds in these vegetables.

I hope this helps and take care.

TT x.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to ThyroidThora

Thankyou I've had my thyroid condition for 6 years on and off no I dont eat many greens if I'm honest do occasionally have greens but mainly carrots sweetcorn garden peas. I see my surgeon on the 19th July. So that will probably but my mind at rest too and thankyou

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Kirstylstocks

Please, don't worry about the brassicas, that's a red herring. You'd have to eat so many of them for them to have any effect that they'd be coming out your ears! :)

ThyroidThora profile image
ThyroidThora in reply to Kirstylstocks

You're welcome Good luck with your appointment.

TT x.

purple64 profile image

What you are feeling is typical graves. It will slowly improve but, I know it's not easy, you need to try and relax and take each day as it comes. Panic with graves is horrible,I've been there. I would take the anti depressant as it may help with the anxiety. Graves is also well known for its rage you can turn and snap in a instance for no reason. It's tough on you and it's also tough for family and friends. I have snapped so many times for no reason and felt awful afterwards because you can't help it. Again the anti depressant should help with that but it does take a couple of weeks to start working. If you have a family that is supportive then you need to try and explain these things so they can try and understand why. It's not an easy thing to live with but it will get better. Take care

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