The results.....
Test date....23/5/14
Serum folate..20.0if/L (4.8-19.0)
Ref ranges for both IgA....UgH
7-10 U/ mL
>10 U/mL-positive
`Tissu transglutaminase If IgA lve" 0.5 U/mL
Tissu transglutaminase IgG lve" < 0.1 U/mL
Serum cholesterol 6.5 mmol/L (2.0- 5.0)
Serum GEL cholesterol level 1.3 mmol/L ( 1.2-1.7),ratio.5.0
Iron12.9 until/L(7-26)
Serum sodium 142mmol/L (133-146)
Serum potassium 4.3mmol/L(3.5-5.3)
Serum creatinine...64 until/L (49-90)
Liver function test........
Serum total protein...71g/L (35-50)
Serum globalism 30 g/L (20-35)
Serum bilirubin level 5 until/L (<22)
Serum alkaline phosphatase 66 u/L (30-130)
Serum ALT level 20u/L (<50)will be filed as 840up(<2100)
Plasma glucose level 4.7 mmol/L (3.3-6.0)
Thyroid function test......
Serum TSH level 0.4 MIU/L (0.4-5.0)
Serum free T4 15 pmol/L (9-19)
Serum folate > 20.0 ug/L (4.8-19.0) abnormal
<25 nmol/L : vitamin D deficiency
25-50nmol/L : D insufficiency
>50 nmol/L : vitamin D sufficiency
Hope lve done this right,please could someone help,as l said l put a post saying need help to lose weight for daughters wedding next year.