Normal body temps at last.: Hi everyone, I... - Thyroid UK

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Normal body temps at last.

17 Replies

Hi everyone, I thought it worthwhile to report I now have normal temps for the first time in at least 10 years. It has nothing to do with my thyroid meds either!

My GP had her arm twisted to prescribe Ferrous Fumerate 210mcg twice a day (although I take it once a day) and Folic Acid 5mg tablets.

My iron was at the bottom of the range, and my Folate 7.5. The new B12 guidelines state deficiency as 7 for folate. I know this treatment has upped my temps.

In the afternoon during my 4pm crash my temps went down to 35.4deg. So normal temps are really significant for me.

My advice I'd not to overlook iron, folate and B12. I'm injecting myself B12 too, but my temps stayed low.

I'm hoping this will now have an impact on my fibromyalgia.

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17 Replies
shaws profile image

I do has hope it has a good effect on your Fibro too. It's good you have raised your temp as well.

in reply to shaws

Thanks Shaws, I tried T3 with my NDT but still had low temps. I really think getting your iron and folate raised must help this. It's the only thing I've done different. My temps were from 35.4 -36.5, but now 37deg.

I've read a lot of stuff on your body not being able to function properly at lower temps.

Coastwalker profile image

That's quite interesting to hear Helcaster as I too need to take some Ferrous Furmate, I too have the cold hands and feet thing and feel cold inside, so will be experimenting. I already take the Folic Acid.

I also no longer sweat at all under my arms now as I did several years ago, my Mum has the same symptom and recently found she is also Hypo as is my Sister who cannot get a diagnosis.

Thank you H. :)

in reply to Coastwalker

Hi Costwalker, I was so cold, thinking it was just hypo. I had bloods done last December and nothing was flagged by my GP, but the lab had flagged around 7 results! This is why we must always get printouts.

I was taking iron because I was at the bottom of the range despite supplements, but at a much lower dose. The same with folate, I was supplementing but not the 5,000 MCG that was needed. I think recovery from low iron would obviously be a lot quicker if I could take both doses. Surprisingly this iron doesn't bung me up as much as the Solgar gentle non constipating iron does :-) But I have had an awful time with anal fissures so I didn't want to push it.

Also I must stress that my " normal" folate of 7.5 is now considered on the edge of being deficient at 7. What we're told is normal clearly isn't.

Haven't got to the bottom of why B12, folate and iron has been in free fall and I know this won't be looked at.

Now I'm waking in the morning with a hint of colour and I just can't believe I'm not shivering every afternoon.

My feeble stamina has improved a little too.

I did have to push for 6 on this though Coastwalker, I hope you have an easier time :-) x

Dar68 profile image
Dar68 in reply to

Hi Helcaster can I ask what iron you take as I have been prescribed ferrous gluconate by my doctor because my ferritin is 11 and my folate is 2.7. I suffer terribly with constipation so I ordered the solgar gentle iron thinking that would be better for me. It hasn't arrived yet but I don't want to risk taking it if it causes constipation.

Glad you are feeling warmer.


Angela x

in reply to Dar68

Hi Angela, I used Solgar Gentle Iron, but it gave me awful constipation and the dose, 20mg, just isn't high enough. The doctor has prescribed Ferrous Fumerate 210mg twice a day. I just take it once a day though. I'm very prone to constipation but I can honestly say this iron hasn't made it worse. I drink 2 litres of water a day, as well as lots of veggies. Sweet potatoes and mangoes help me a lot.

Your folate is desperately low, it should be at least 12. My folate was 7.5 but I'm still getting folic acid at 5mg (5,000mcg) prescribed. You take this high dose for 4 months. 7 is now considered deficient. Is your Vit B12 low too?

If you take 500mcg of Vit C with your iron it helps absorption and constipation. Don't take B12 at the same time as your iron.

I have found magnesium and Vit C taken together helps constipation, it's worth a try.

Dar68 profile image
Dar68 in reply to

I think I will start the tablets the doctor has given me which are 300mg but take only 1 a day. I have ordered vit c and some folate but they still haven't arrived from the nutri centre. I have b12 injections once a month. I will see how I get on and if the tablets cause constipation I will see if my doctor will prescribe me the ferrous fumerate.

Thank you

Angela x

in reply to Dar68

Hi Angela, i've heard a lot of people say Ferrous Fumerate is the least upsetting to your stomach. I have anal fissures andi was dreading taking such a high dose of iron. I tried twice a day but I think the iron in my poo irritated things slightly.

I've taken a few temps now and always 37 deg, it's like a miracle for me after all these years!

Are you trying to address the constipation? I know that can be difficult. I made the mistake years ago of having high fibre everyhing but not adding the extra water, so it didn't help.

Good luck! Xx

Dar68 profile image
Dar68 in reply to

Hi I too have an anal fissure and I have suffered with constipation for years so I worry about taking anything that will make things worse. Will ring doctors today to get the ferrous fumerate.

I am so glad you are feeling well .

Thank you so much for advice.

Angela x

in reply to Dar68

Angela, I have 3 fissures now, I know how painful this is and I'm so sorry for you.

What I'm doing is really helping. I'll give you a few tips!

I really tried everything including that ointment from the doctors but it sent me to sleep and the headaches were awful.

I read someone had cured their fissure using magnesium. I take 250mcg with breakfast, when I take my iron around lunch time I add the Vit C. I take another 250mcg in the evening after dinner. It relaxes the anus and also acts as a mild laxative.

I always put Vaseline on my bottom before pooing. I've stopped using wet ones too, because they're full of chemicals. After I poo and wipe, but not over wipe I use the jet on my bidet with warm water and wash with E45 Wash. It's gentle and moisturising. The warm water increases blood flow to your anus to encourage healing. It's a pain but if there's no bidet use the shower head. It really is worth doing. A walk every day is essential too.

I haven't had bleeding now for a good 6 weeks.

Also I've noticed gluten makes the pain and swelling a lot worse, so I've cut that out too.

Dar68 profile image
Dar68 in reply to

Hi can I ask what magnesium you take because I tried some and I suffered with a terribly bloated tummy so I stopped taking them. Will try some of your tips to see if it will ease things.


Angela x

in reply to Dar68

Sorry, Angela now I have the bottle in front of me I see I got the dosage wrong.

It's Holland and Barrett 100mg magnesium sulphate.

The solgar bloated me but not this one. I think I read it's safe to take 500mg a day?

I think you have to expect some rumbling as it's going through your bowels :-) I quickly settled on this and can take it with no noises now! It's been a god send for me. If I need to I take 1,000 MCG Vit C with it, always gives me a clear out! X

Dar68 profile image
Dar68 in reply to

Thanks for all your advice will try these and see how I get on. Fingers crossed.


Angela x

Coastwalker profile image

Certainly not been an easy ride Helcaster, don't think anyone on TUK gets an easy ride ;)

I too was told my Ferritin was 'Normal' at 45 (15-200,) but it is a very 'LOW,' 'Normal'.

Also my B12 and Vit D classed as 'Normal' but again both 'LOW' 'Normal.'

Pleased to hear you are much warmer H, but you do need to find out what's happening with your B12, folate and iron falling fast. 5000 mcg is quite a high folate dose, is it safe to take in that amount do you know ?

Hi Coastwaker, yes 5,000mcg of folic acid is the dose your doctor will prescribe for a 4 month period, that's the guidelines, you just have to remind....a lot.

I think what doctors need to know and we need to keep telling them, is we need all those Vits and minerals in the top 25% of the range or our thyroid meds won't work well. Because we are hypo, not sure if you're hyper but these will drop because our bodies aren't working optimally, and it will affect absorption of nutrients from food.

Far too many brick walls with thyroid issues, pernicious anaemia and adrenal insufficiency. That's my next battle as my latest saliva test said adrenal exhaustion. Not holding my breath, but it's worse than a year ago, and DHEA is lower.


Maddie profile image
Maddie in reply to

I had same issues with low iron, cannot stop supplementing as levels drop down.

Are you going to supplement with DHEA? I've recently started supplementing - Maddie

Hi Maddie, I definitely need an ongoing dose of iron to keep me topped up.

I lose blood in my urine from interstitial cystitis, and I've had 3 bleeding cuts in my bum for 18 months, although they are starting to heal now. So yes another reason why my iron is low.

I've seen a link from someone who has Addison's Disease for pharmaceutical DHEA, it's not cheap, but I'm going to take it. I think this is linked to my underarm and pubic hair loss. How are you getting on with it, any improvement? I'm sure my sex hormones will be low too. Trying to get them tested. It will be interesting if I get HC from my GP, but not really expecting it.

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