I would appreciate it if someone would PM me with details on how I can buy ERFA online without prescription.
Just to give you some background, I have had typical hypothyroid symptoms for many years now. My blood results do not present as primary hypothyroidism. My latest blood results are:
TSH 0.71 (0.27-4.2)
Free T4 12.2 (12.0-22.0)
Free T3 5.8 (3.1-6.8)
I could have secondary hypothyroidism caused by sub-optimal pituitary function, although this is a rare condition according to my GP.
I have done the necessary in order to supplement my folate, ferritin, iron levels. A recent 24hr saliva adrenal profile test revealed sub-optimal cortisol levels/adrenal function, so have been supplementing with Nutri Advanced AdrenoMax.
For the past 8 weeks I have been on ERFA. I started on 15mcg and have increased the dosage every 2-3 weeks. Currently I take 75mcg daily, split into two doses. I have felt an improvement in my symptoms of around 15-20%. I suspect that I have been hypo for many years and, although initially disappointed, have now accepted that my adrenals will take some time to recover and this will affect how effective I experience the ERFA.
I want to continue to take ERFA and increase gradually by around 15mcg every 2-3 weeks but my Doctor, who I am seeing privately, told me that I should be feeling a 30%-40% improvement and wants me to stay on 30mcg until I see him next in August.
When I stayed on 30mcg I started feeling hypo again after around 3 weeks but felt better again once I increased it by 15mcg. I have not told my private Doctor about the increases!
I am due to see an NHS Endocrinologist next month because my testosterone levels are at rock bottom.
I do not want to reduce my ERFA to 30mcg. I suspect that until my adrenal function improves (and possibly my testosterone) my recovery will be slow but steady. Due to my history of emotional and psychological issues my GP, and increasingly my private Doctor, seem to be looking more at Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I understand and respect both these health professionals but I believe this diagnosis is wrong
The ERFA is making a difference and I want to continue with it.