I have a question on NDT:
I was put on Armour in 2012 but, this summer, my doctor decided it was not working for me, and switched me to Erfa. On 5 grains of Armour daily, my labs (24 hours after latest dose) were:
TSH 0.0001
FT4 1.3 (ref 0.8-1.8)
FT3 2.9 (ref 1.8-3.8)
However, since those labs show my levels 24 h after latest dose, I wonder what they would have looked like if I had taken Armour before going to the lab...?!
Also, on 5.5 grains of Erfa (according to my doctor, the equivalent of 5 grains of Armour), my levels were:
TSH 0.0001
FT4 1.3 (ref 0.8-1.8)
FT3 3.7 (ref 1.8-3.8)
My doctor said this proves that Erfa is working better for me than Armour...however, since going on Erfa, I have just not felt right...some days, I feel really good, only to feel lousy the next, and I seem to go from hypo to hyper back to hypo, etc...
I always go to the lab 24 h after latest dose. Could my results on 5.5 grains of Erfa indicate that I am overmedicated on Erfa as my FT3 levels were at the very top of the range 24 h after taking it...?!
Also, since I never had thyroid labs before developing a thyroid problem, I have no idea what "ideal" thyroid labs are supposed to look like in an euthyroid (healthy) individual. Has someone had labs while healthy, and could post them here, just to give me an idea...?! I know you should not care about the TSH when on meds containing T3, but I would be interested in finding out what the free Ts are "supposed to" look like in a person without thyroid disease...