Hi, I have finally got all thyroid hormones optimal since starting T3 and thank you to all on here for all your help.
I ordered an adrenal saliva test months ago and did the test recently just to check all ok. The morning results and DHEA are very low:
Cortisol AM30 - 5.4 Optimal range 14.00-25.00
Cortisol Noon - 4.9 Optimal range 5.00-10.00
Cortisol Evening 4.00 Optimal range 2.00-5.00
Cortisol Night 1.30 Optimal range 1.00-4.00
DHEA 50 (106-300)
Hormone Comments on Test:
The suboptimal diurnal cortisol pattern and reported symptoms are consistent with established (Phase 3) HPA axis (adrenal gland) dysfunction.
DHEA levels typically decline with age and the level measured here is below the reference range. The low DHEA level may warrant supplementation for optimal well- being. Note: Supplementation with DHEA may increase testosterone and/or estradiol levels.
Is there anything I can do to help these levels? I don’t want to rock the boat too much as I have just got all my thyroid and vitamin levels optimal. It just seems the morning levels are so low. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.