I posted three weeks ago and did get a couple of replies but I am still really confused.
I have been seeing a nutritionist and she arranged the Adrenal Thyroid Profile which included a saliva adrenal test and a 24 hour urine test to see if I am converting my T4 levothyroxine to T3.
The result was urine volume 3300 range 600 - 2500
T3 2394 range 592 - 1850
The nutritionist said this proves I am converting. I said well it looks like I am over medicated by that result and she said speak to your G.P. about it.
Spoke to G.P. who didn't have a clue.
My serum results are
T3 is 4.4 range 3.8 - 6.0
T4 is 14 range 7.80 - 21.00
TSH is 0.10 range 0.35 - 4.7
I am currently taking 100/125 mcg. levo alternatively.
Does anyone know if the urine result means I am over medicated?
I really don't think I am as I still have hypo symptoms.
I am not losing weight, temp. is still below normal. The only symptom of hyper is loose stools for one or two days a month the rest of the time I am constipated.
OR does the urine test mean the T3 is been passed out in my urine and not getting to my cells.
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Many thanks browny