I have not posted for a while but have been popping in to read posts.
Last year my G.P. reduced my dose of levo. from 125 mcg. to 100 mcg. because of my low TSH even though my T4 and T3 was not even mid range.
I was feeling O.K. on 125 mcg. not brilliant but O.K. I felt that I would have benefited from an increase or by adding T3.
I gave all the info. I had gathered to my G.P. saying you cannot just go by TSH but she was not having any of it so I told I was going to self treat by either adding T3 or using NDT. She said this was up to me and she would monitor me and in the meantime she would write to the endo. for more information.
Before starting on NDT I ordered the 24 urine test from Genova and the result showed that I was converting the T4 in levo. into T3 but I was not taking enough of it.
I decided to try WP Thyroid because it has the least fillers in. I began on a small dose and gradually increased. After a few weeks I felt worse but persevered, I then felt a little better. When I had been taking 1 1/2 grains for three weeks I was due for another increase but I started to feel spaced out and disorientated so reduce back to 1 1/4 grains. After a few days the feelings subsided and I began to feel better and the following week was the best I had felt in a long while.
After a week on 1 1/4 grains I had my blood tested and results were
TSH 2.8 range 0.35 - 4.7
T4 7.4 range 7.8 - 21
T3 5.3 range 3.8 - 6.0
Since the blood test I have increase to 1 1/2 grains again but I now feel worse.
My G.P. ask me to go and see her as she had heard back from the endo. and said she could now increase the dose of levo. as endo. said he does not worry about about the low TSH as long as it does not go under 0.5 and T4 does not go above 18.
She said she would work with me to get levo. dosage right so I feel better.
I had high hopes for NDT. but feel it is not working for me at the moment so I do not know whether to changed back to levo. now my G.P. has said I can increase my dose.
As anyone changed back to levo. after trying NDT, if so did you just go back to your usual dose or did you start low and work up again.
I really do not know what to do, should I give the NDT a little while longer or change back to levo.
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Many thanks browny.