I have had two suggestions that I may be suffering from Reverse T3 and another suggesting I am not converting well. For my peace of mind and the difficulty of persuading the NHS to do anything I have decided to have some tests done privately. Currently I am taking Levothyroxine 100 mcg and 125 mcg on Monday , Wednesday and Friday. I take my basal temperature on waking and again just before I turn off the light and my evening one is almost always lower than the morning one. (Wavylines commented on that to be careful not to take the evening one too late, so taken one tonight at 7 pm and result the same).
Tests looking at
TSH/TT4/FT4/FT3/RT3/ and both lots of antibodies. (Don't think I have a problem with antibodies but never been tested).
Melatonin-Sleep not good although improved a little since taking supplements.
Adrenal Stress Profile Cortisol and DHEA. Had one before which suggested a retest to show if static or free fall though GP said she didn't understand it.
I've also seen one that is as Adrenal Stress Profile as above plus IgA but not sure what that is or what it means.
I take my thyroid meds at night so I shall not take them the night before and I assume that as I'm not having any mineral testing I am ok to take my AdCal+D3, Selenium, Zinc, B12 and Magnesium as usual? (I take in the morning so will take normally the day before and take that days after my test).
Any comments/advice or other test suggestions will be gratefully received, thank you