Hi all.I'll be brief. Ive written once before but just thought id update as im getting my head around it a little more Feeling pretty bad since mid oct 2013 after good year with (Graves diesease) hyperthyroidsim. was working like a gun all year, eating, sleeping well, responding well to therapy good energy then one weekend in october 2013 i crashed with exhastion into a hole , couldnt get out of bed . so fatiqued , Been batteling ever since. dragging myself out of bed , so depressed about living ,what went wrong i thought . went back to doc . said you better check why i feel like its all tense around neck like a slight restriction or like a sensation which is very difficult to explain , its very hard to pinpoint were just all over plus hurting ears , as well as feeling i dont have energy, got blood work done tests were now into normal range , t4 t3 tsh b12 have been now for a wile . plus ultra sound done last week .doctor and specialist who did my last ultrasound a year ago said thyroid in normal size with still a 3mm nodule present. Told me thyroid ultrsound much better in size than 12 months before. Had endoctrologist do uptake radiation scan of thyroid last marchrch 2013 report came back no hot or cold nodules and thyroid size in normal range . my Resting heart rate is sitting nice and steady at 64 to 70 bpm for 6 months all going good.,
. I reckon at times i felt better when my levels 12 months previously were thru the roof. puffy feet, screaming heart rate and shaking like a leaf than i do now..there was hope then and i could work with it but this time im totally lost. its like there is no reason
My question is this. Do you think it could be something else . My ultrasound specialist and doctor said its unlikley a thyroid my size and in its condition could cause such ear aches, and neck and throat discomfort, and fatique and croaky voice. or is it a goiter
i can except the fatique. sort of.as ive over worked physically for twenty years with only a day here and there off . always working under extreme stress as well as being a chronic people pleaser.
Hey everyone im sorry ive dumped all of this.i promise ill post some more positive stuff when it comes to.
i look forward to hearing your r experiences and hope . much appreciate you all . Kameron.
male 49