Hi Folks
Just curious what it is?
My blood test is fine except little low level due to deficiency of B12, i was feeling very tired and sleepy during the day, now since i started B12 vitamin , after only 7 pills taken i feel very active now no tiredness. I am a diabetic but my doctor told me " we have observed your blood test for last 6 months , you are in excellent control of sugar, we want to stop some medication", .
I am a 68 year old male, possessing a very good look, people think i am only 42 don't look like 68 since i am enjoying a stable muscular body. I have no pain in my throat and no problem of swallowing any kind of food except i can not speak naturally, i mean i have to use my left side of the mouth to make the word, looks like right side of throat the nerves are strangled like a knot, though this problem has been with me for several years due to damage done to my voice fold by forcibly singing over my voice pitch. i was referred to 3 different ENT specialists and after viewing inside my throat with camera, they all said " everything is fine no problem" but i insisted the last ENT specialist to get my ultrasound done, but now appears to be a 4.5 cm mass on my right side of neck, which is only detected with ultrasound . Just worried a bit, any suggestion please? why the ENT specialists were saying everything is fine?, is it too late now? several questions coming up now. The mass is on the right side of my neck where my shirt's collar is.