Started 50mg of levothyroxine on 4.11.13. GP prescribed on basis TSH just a little outside range and T4 in range. But I have pains still. VIt D was tested and I'm told this is fine.
TPO antibody = 76 iu/ml refernce range <10 so this is outside range
Free T3 = 3.7 pmol/L range (2.5 - 5.7)
Ferritin 68 ug/L range (10- 220)
Folate 16.4 range (3.1-20.5)
B12 734 range (187-883)
Urea and electrolytes 68 - range (60 - 120)
TSH 4.68 range (0.2 - 4.0)
Free T4 12 range (9 - 19)
Grateful for any feedback.
Thank you.