I'm thinking of having blood tests of B12, Intrinsic factor and cortisol blood tests. If they come back with below range or positive, will my Dr act upon them. Also has anyone had them done and what was your Gp's reaction?
Blue Horizon Blood tests ?: I'm thinking of... - Thyroid UK
Blue Horizon Blood tests ?

Hi I use blue horizon for my tests.When first being monitored by gp and TSH rising gradually the B H tests helped in the process. He did look at them but would always want his own test done after to confirm and because I think, to cover himself before acting.Since now usually only TSH done by my gp,I now get the Blue H. Full tests done myself and depending on those results and How I feel in myself,sometimes I share those with him but mainly I don't! I get them done for my own peace of mind I suppose, mainly so I know what T3 level is and have a bigger picture than can get on NHS.Found B H very good.I use spire Hospitals for drawing blood tho,which is well known to GPs and my GP agreed they use the same Lab etc as NHS, this made him more comfortable being guided by their tests alongside his own.A postal type finger test and the DIY type would not be anywhere near so accepted with my GP .

Thanks Cupi.
That's where I was thinking of going, to the Spire Hospital in Bristol for testing.
So if they come back positive or out of range, he would do his own for diagnosis?
I think I will get them done for peace of mind.
Hi there, my GP acknowledged them and that the bloods were going in wrong direction and it was in my case because of my private results he retested and although both indicated only very slightly TSH raised he did start treatment.as a side I think it may have helped that he uses spire hospitals to manage his own health!! IMHO it's worth getting them done but that's only personal experience

I have enquired about having private blood tests done as feeling awful and they quoted £500-600 clearly didn't have them done, who are BH?? interested
Blue Horizon Medicals.
If you google their name you will find they own several websites - one which includes phlebotomy in the price, some that don't, some that send out home test kits that just require a finger prick amount of blood, and various other sites, so check all of them carefully - prices and what is included vary substantially.
Hi, I've used them once and took the results to my GP. She was happy to discuss the results, recorded them, took a copy for my file. So good experience overall. Also, I got the results back by email the next morning, with comments from a doctor, so service was very prompt.
Did you get a diagnosis from them ?
Yes. GP suggested increasing thyroid meds, but I am a bit reluctant to do so (would like to see if things like supplements may help stimulate the thyroid first, before increasing the dose). So the GP referred me for further tests on the NHS to re-check the levels (TSH, FT4, FT3) in a month, and also test vit B12 level. So not a bad result really.
I'm pretty sure any intelligent doctor would accept private tests by a reputable lab. After all, if they show you as being out of range, they can either treat based on what they have or pay up for the exact same tests to be run by their own lab.
Hi My docs are all happy with Blue Horizon tests as they are really a well known Lab called "The doctors Lab", most of the private hospitals have them as their "in house " lab, so well known and reliable. Of course, on line costs a fraction of the cost at private hospitals, same tests.However, if using venous bloods ( finger prick just as reliable, main site) then do not use Spire to take the blood, as then the price rockets up. If having other bloods elsewhere they will usually do a syringe for B.H. If not ,you have all the equipment and can ask any one suitable as a favour. Finger prick is all DIY.
I hope that helps. I have used them for many, many years since my NHS stopped doing free T3 tests.
Best wishes,
Hi jackie,
It is a Spire Hospital that I'm visiting this afternoon as an out patient. Surely they won't do a finger prick test? I'm really hoping it will be like getting blood drawn at the Drs. I'm travelling an hr to the hospital so I hope its not a waste of time and money.
Natalie x
Hi No, Spire do not do a finger prick test but charge nearly as much as BH do for their tests, hence you pay a lot of money for it. It is venous blood. BH have only just started doing the finger prick test, well researched and very reliable. It just means that you do not need any one to draw your blood, the cost caused by using Spire.You can have it done at BMI Priory too, you get the kit first on the site, then just turn up at a Priory, it used to cost £15 to have it taken there but you would need to check.
I hope that is clear.sorry if I muddled you.
Dear Angel Harley,
Thank you for considering using us for your pathology requirements. I just wanted to clarify as there is a difference in some of the private blood test services that we offer.
1. Order through bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk
You are sent a Vacutainer which needs a nurse/phlebotomist etc to take the blood. You then pop the blood tube in an envelope and send to our Lab in London TDL Pathology.
2. Order through homebloodtests.co.uk.
You are sent a microtainer. You need to be brave (I'm not) and prick your finger. Same procedure with Envelope and Lab.
3. Order through privatebloodtests.co.uk
You are emailed a 'Pathology Passport' and then phone Spire to make an appointment. They take your blood and process it themselves.
No matter which option you choose, the results are always reviewed by our Doctor 1st and he will then comment on them if they are outside of the reference ranges.
If you need any further information I am in the office today catching up on paperwork so feel free to call on 0800 0988 751.
Paul Harris
Hi Paul,
Wow, there you go everyone, that was brilliant information, straight from the horses mouth. Perhaps this needs to be saved for further info.
Well I'm happy to say I had blood drawn at Spire Hospital in Bristol this afternoon, I was 20 minutes early, was seen straight away and back in my car at 230, the time of my appointment. The Nurse was lovely, even thou I'm a difficult patient and give my blood over easily lol But 2nd attempt and all was good.
I will post your comments Paul and maybe admin will file them for easy access.
Many Thanks
Hi how dud you get on? I'm about to do this myself. There's savings at spire via blue horizon jan orders only! I've threatened to do thus fir years lol and I'm going to now hiw dud your gp react? X
Would definitely recommend BH for testing. My GP ordered a T3 test but the lab refused to do it on NHS so I had a comprehensive test done. ( it was £95 for T3 and £150 for loads of tests, well worth the money) for me it started me on the road to feeling great. T3 was ok but d3 and b12 very low. Doctor was amazed and admitted he had been blinkered to any other problem and he used the guidance on the test for treatment..........now I feel great!
Blue Horizon take too long with the results, and some are sent to the US for analysis.