A short while a go I was going to write a blog on my progress, until palpitations reared there ugly head again...
Just a bit of background last year I had started a T4 + T3 regime, ( T4 only has never really worked for me) everything was going OK even though I had to do it very slowly, as have always been sensitive to Thyroid med's...
That is until Teva was recalled & was given a repeat prescription of 2 other brands within a few hours of taking them I had palpitations worse on Goldshield slightly less on Wockhardt, to rule out the T3 as the maybe culprit I stopped it, but it just worsened them so went back on the T3 as it did help some..but I started to feel hypo symptoms returning ...
Well I was due for bloodwork next time I attended surgery for my monthly B12 injection, and thought will see how bad its getting...after taking advice from the forum I duly asked for Vit D3, ferritin, folate etc..
TSH came back as 3.19 ( 0.35 -5.5) FT4 15.1 ( 10.5 - 20 ) Ft3 4.3 (3.5 - 6.5 ) everything came back as optimum levels apart from the above & D3 I was deficient in & folate was bottom of range...a follow up appt was made with Doc, he wanted to delay raising Levo
until I'd had a 5-6 wk course of D3, I broached the subject of palps & he arranged for a heart monitor for me- which later he gave the results as all is fine...
The doc prescribed low dose D3 with calcium, but taking advice from the forum I opted for high dose gel capsules as (the nurse hadn't ticked the box for calcium, so wasn't tested) thought safer...
Well i felt like crap before but felt even worse on the D3, couldn't wait till time for follow up blood test..which found my Vit D3 levels optimal but my TSH was 3.97 ( FT4 & 3 only get done if I request it & I hadn't realised they were retesting thyroid)
I was duly given an increase of 25mcg levo which I had to take every other day for a couple of weeks but separately all the time from my normal dose of T4 to avoid day long palps...
Blood test after 6wks showed TSH 3.28 FT4 16 & FT3 4.3 , when the nurse called with the results I explained how had to take increase, so that meant a test in a further 6 wks to get a better picture of how the higher dose was working...Well me being me I thought a few wks in this isn't working I feel no better so dropped extra T4 & increased T3 intake...next test TSH had increased a bit , T4 down a bit & T3 had risen a bit...
Since then I have been trying to raise my T3 dose but (one of the perks of being retired is that I can go to bed when I want & get up when I want)... I have found that I cannot take T3 horrendous day long headaches each time I tried...not sure why the last time worked but it did!!!!!!!!
That brings me to the reason I was going to blog my progress 5 wks ago I went by train to a neighbouring University town with a friend of normal health & we walked for hours, when we compared notes on our return to our homes we were both just as knackered 2 days later later I spent 2 1/2 hrs shampooing the living room carpet all this a week before I was due my Vit B12 Injection...
I felt stable & my Annual blood test in May showed it (for me anyway) TSH was 2.65 T4 16 & my T3 was the highest its ever been 5.3..and hopefully an increase in T3 should improve it further given further patience to do so...
But a few weeks a go my palps started again, is it when on an odd occasions I have forgotten my last dose of T3 for the day, or is it because I have been trying hard not to get stressed because my mobile network provider has been promising to resolve the ongoing problems I am having, the latest fix leaving me with no service...
A few hours ago they started & I nibbled a tiny bit of T3 and within 1/2 an hr they subsided.
Not sure which it is missed dose or stress but why should either have such an impact...
Thank you for Listening