Apologies for lengthy post but I am so ill, so miserable and getting nowhere with doctors so I'm trying to be proactive.. I’m hoping that here is the place I will find someone who either recognises what I’m going through or can point me in the right direction.
I’ll start with my test results and then give some info on how I ended up wondering if hypothyroidism is my problem.
GP and ENT sent me for TSH test, normal both times. ENT sent me for an ultrasound, too, also normal. However, I recently had antibodies, FT4 and FT3 tested privately (via Blue Horizon) to rule thyroid problems out or in once and for all. Antibodies were normal but the doctor who sent the report flagged up my FTs and said I should discuss them with my GP.
TSH 1.2 (0.27 – 4.2)
FT4 9.9 (12-22)
FT3 3.4 (3.1 – 6.8)
I took these results to a GP at my surgery. After discussing my symptoms and history, she said she wanted to start me on a trial of Levothyroxine but needed NHS results to put on system. I went for the repeat tests, along with blood count, B12, Urea/Electrolytes, Liver Function, Bone Profile, Glucose, and Lipids. All those tests were well within all the normal ranges, apart from raised cholesterol. The thyroid results were:-
TSH – 1.04 (0.27 – 4.2)
FT4 – 12 (12-22)
FT3 – 3.5 (3.9 – 6.7)
However, when I went back to the GP, she said she’d been told by a senior doctor/partner that, at this surgery, they do not regard results at the bottom of the range as requiring treatment and therefore she could not prescribe for me. She seemed quite conflicted about it but, essentially, proposed we do nothing except monitor. But I’ve had some of these symptoms for a very long time and I just can’t carry on like this.
The symptoms include:-
Recurrent boils
Physical and mental fatigue
Low basal temperature in first half of cycle
Always either too cold or too hot – never comfortable, sensitive to tiny temperature changes either way
Severe acid reflux
Constant nasal congestion
Mid afternoon energy slumps and insomnia at night
Big weight gain 18 months ago, despite increased activity (now stopped, too tired to even walk the dog most days)
Muscle weakness
Aches/pains – especially neck, head, shoulders, hips, arms.
Scaly, itchy skin (and scalp, too)
Flaky nails
Mood swings/irritability/ depression
Easy bruising
Gritty eyes/random blurring
Outer third of eyebrows very sparse
I am a 48 year old woman so menopause has occurred to me. My periods are still completely regular and my temperature charts suggest I’m still ovulating but I know I must be pre-menopause anyway. Even so, not all of the symptoms I’m experiencing can be explained by menopause and I feel like my ‘lifeforce’ is ebbing away. I’m so exhausted, so miserable. The acid reflux is affecting my throat, mouth and teeth and, as talking is an integral part of my job, that’s adding stress and worry. I don’t socialize – I don’t have the inclination or energy. Everyday chores seem overwhelming . If I do manage to sleep at a reasonable time I then wake up at around 4am so I’m no better off. Any advice, please?