Hi all ,
Sitting in my new hospital room with a view over the rooftops , thought I'd share with you part of my yesterday experience .
On Monday am the haematology nurse and I conspired to put TSH T4 and T3 on the bloods form . sneeky
10.00 am visit from consultant and entourage . Doing well on chemo ,looking after my diet well with help from family and flushing with gallons of water . A discussion arose between my champion young lady Dr , the consultant and I about the thyroid . They would chase up the Endo but not worried as the last tsh test was ok . Ha Ha , vindication was mine when the young Dr came to see me that afternoon and said that the tsh result from that day had wacked up to 14 from 0.01 originally . I told you I needed my own meds , I think she was happy too , it showed her championing my cause and calling Endo was justified .
BIGGEST NEWS THOUGH Endo Dr R came to see me in the morning .
He said "can I ask you some questions" , I said "it will be easier and if I can tell you my story " . He listened well asking intelligent questions as we went along . He was correct in his calculations of equivalent armour / thyroxine and acknowledged that so was I .
He offered to prescribe some T3 to go with the Thyroxine but asked me what I would prefer to do . I said that because getting the balance T4/T3 is sometimes difficult with patients who are not in my position is not easy , that I felt that it would be difficult for me to guage how well it was working , given that I will have increasing effects from the chemo .
We decided between us that I would start on my own Armour using the circadian rythm method . I would do this myself , so that these meds would not be locked away , but under my own control . I had been taking 2 or 2.5 grains when I was well .
We decided that I would take 1 grain split into 2 halves for a week , and increase to 1.5 grains if I felt the need .
I can definately recommend him if you are in the Stafford area and need a referal ,
always assuming we keep this hospital of course .
so have taken 1/2 grain at 5.00 am and 1/2 grain at 10.30 am . Feel a lot brighter and a little more energy detected , obviously early days , but very positive so far .
Wishing you all well as usual
Alison xx