Hi im new on here and im hoping to share what im feeling and hope someone will help me. After having excruciating pain in my stomach with bloating . I went to see a colorectal surgen . After 1 year of this an numerous tests e.g xray, colonoscopy, barium xray . Ect. Ive been told i have I.B.S . I am taking movicol and also mebeverine . Changed my diet to low fodmap . And take buscopan . But still have issues. Yesterday my motion was stringy . Today its sticky is this normal for i.b.s .
I.b.S: Hi im new on here and im hoping to share... - IBS Network

Hi Sephton1234, sorry to hear that you are suffering. I don’t take much notice of my motions anymore, sorry. They can be very variable. You have been diagnosed, so anything else has been ruled out. I find that exercise helps and meditation, as stress can play a big IBS
sounds normal IBS to me! As you’ve been diagnosed by ruling out other causes I would try not to worry too much if you can - I know it’s hard, but worry and anxiety are enemies of IBS! IBS stools can be thin, pellet like, mushy, bulky, frequent or less frequent and any consistency and any colour from yellow, green, beige to dark brown. These things can change on almost a daily basis - it’s a right pain! But the good thing is - you have a diagnosis now and hopefully others on this forum will be able to offer you some more reassuring advice. I wish you well,
Hi, do you get constipated with your IBS? I tend to get really bad constipation. My NHS Dietician suggested trying Symprove Probiotic (pretty expensive to buy!). I've been taking it for about 10 weeks now and it has eased my bloating a lot and I now only take 1 Laxido sachet in the morning and half a senna tablet at night as advised by my NHS Bowel Specialist Nurse. Between them my IBS-C symptoms are vastly improved, although the first couple of weeks on Symprove were a bit difficult with nausea and excessive bloating. Good luck with working out what suits you. In answer to your question my motions vary in type, texture and frequency every day.
You may find some tips on this website useful:
In summary, I would try things in this order:
1. Alflorex probiotic, which has been scientifically studied for IBS on a 3 month trial.
2. This may increase food tolerance. If you have any remaining food intolerances ask for a GP referral to a dietitian to take you through the FODMAP elimination and reintroduction diet. By taking Alforex first hopefully the food intolerances will be less.
3. Alongside try the Nerva gut directed hypnotherapy app or meditation or mindfulness techniques (plenty online or YouTube)
Good luck.
Hi sorry to hear you are suffering . I too have had both stringy and sticky motions ( not pleasant I know ! ) but in my experience definitely down to Movicol and not IBS . I have had IBS and slow transit bowel all my life but the last two years have been a living hell with high volumes of Laxido ( same as Movicol) which actually wrecked my system but the only thing that works but like you alters my motions .
l find with ibs it takes a while to get the right foods and know what you can and can't eat.it a bit of hit and miss on that one just keep a diary .l am fine with the mebeverine .with motions l have got to the stage where they are all different .l usually have 2 day out of 7 where l am fine .so l am happy with that .just play it by ear and you will be able to pace yourself
good luck
l ment out of a whole week l have 2 which aren't very good
Sorry to hear you're not doing good, after my colonoscopy I was diagnosed with proctitis and mucosa. I didn't have a bowel movement for over 18 months I just passed thick mucous and blood, everytime I stood up it came from me, the 1st colonoscopy had to be aborted the 3nd a month later I was put to sleep, I had various suppositories but nothing worked and then literally overnight it all stopped and I have been back to normal now for 10 months, I think they damaged my rectum and it took that long to heal I would never have another one.
See if you can get a copy of Sick and Tired by Dr Nick Read. He is a retired gastroenterologist and psychotherapist who used to work with the IBS network. He thinks IBS is largely psychological. Its distressing but it won't kill you. Some people are helped by medicines and laxatives and diet but its very variable. Some people find counseling with someone experienced in gut issues helpful, some find hypnotherapy useful. A good place to start with a psychological approach is to ask yourself when the symptoms started and what was going on in your life at the time. Its hard to find psychological help on the NHS though.
I have chronic constipation which I think is psychological and all the doctors offered didn't help much and may have made it worse. When they asked me what was going on when it started I rattled on about old family dramas which effected me badly and which are in no way resolved and that helped. I had a counselor who was a great help for a while but that stopped for various reasons. Recently it got a lot worse after dealing with two deaths and a few other very difficult things.
If Nick Read is right, and I think for me he largely is, then the body is expressing something that has not been said, and usually for good reasons.
Some find this approach useful, some don't but it might be something to think about.