will this i.b.s ever stop ruling my life??? - IBS Network

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will this i.b.s ever stop ruling my life???

cazza1979 profile image
9 Replies

does anyone elses i.b.s rule their life?

i dont travel far i go 5mins by taxi and 10mins at a push, everyone tells me i shouldnt let it rule my life but i just cant seem to get it not too, its so frustrating!!

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cazza1979 profile image
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9 Replies
Beri profile image

I'm sorry to hear your ibs affects you like this,I have found the best way to deal with this is to find coping strategies.When my ibs is bad I tend to go to the same places where I feel comfortable,like the shopping mall,where there are lots of toilets,the same restaurant,also lots of toilets.While this can be a bit boring,at least you are getting out.I also take a change of clothes with me,just in case,I have never had to use them,it gives me peace of mind,and takes the anxiety away ,I hope this helps you.Please try and get out,take one day at a time.The first time you are able to do this will give you confidence and it will gradually become easier.

LooLoo5 profile image


I used to let IBS rule my life, but now I rule my IBS, I went to the dietician who did an intolerance test, I kept a 3 month diary with everything I ate and drank and what symptoms I had, you would be surprised at how much you eat does have an effect. And the things you eat every day, you find that this is what is causing your cramps, pain, bloating, diarrohea, constipation.

I took the diary to the dietician who carried out some intolerance tests, and I found that wheat, and dairy (I am lactose intolerant, milk from cows). I was shocked to find that this is why each time I had cereal with milk I was running to the toilet and I have diarrohea format of IBS, and have had IBS for over 30 years, I was in late teens when I got diagnosed.

We then looked at fruit and vegetables, and ruled out the ones that caused me flare ups.

I now watch what I eat, and if I go out, I make sure I have a 'I cant wait toilet card" you get from IBS Network.org.uk. This card gets me out of many incidents, as with diarrohea you cannot wait and my motto is " You cannot hold what is not in your hand".

I use Buscopan you can get this from any chemist or superstore, or even prescription, it is great if I have cramps, pain, bloating or wind, it is great and eases it, I also always carry Loperamide (Immodium, but I get it on prescription), this slows the bowel down to allow me to go out for a while without the urge to run to the loo every five minutes.

If you have constipation format of IBS, take Fibogel or Senokot, or a recommended one from your GP, to take as that will also regulate the bowel and you wont have discomfort so you can go out for a while.

At home I always use a hot water bottle, on my tummy, as that is so much nicer than taking loads of medications. It eases my cramps or pain and can travel anywhere. I take mine to work, (my colleagues know I have IBS, but some of my colleagues take their hot water bottles too for menstrual pain or may have endometriosis etc, but it is great for easing of pain).

Breathing techniques are good too, as they can ease pain, there are lots of free breathing techniques to watch on the internet, or free APPS if you have Apple products.

Hope this helps you, but I would see a dietician or your GP can do the intolerance tests, and this way you can see what is causing your symptoms, and keep a diary as this will also help you look at what you eat and what symptoms you get afterwards, you can then start to rule out those items that cause flare up and get something else that you are ok with to eat instead.

Start to take back your life, and push IBS to the back of the queue.

any further info I will be happy to help.

bobz20 profile image

i let it rule my life for 6 months an to some degrree still do now ... i worry about going out. however i started getting myself into a routine were i got up say 3-4 hours before i go out have breakfast as soon as i get up so that i can go the loo an see how my tummy is before i leave, it also gives u the time to take loperimide if needed an for it to be effective.

diet can be a big problem, unfortunatly i didnt go to a dietitian in the hospital as it was only for private patients an cost like 120 a visit so i have had to learn off these sites the internet an ibs leaflets. i decided to cut out dairy as it use to give me heart burn and i also cut out gluten an wheat which am finding to be very effective... oh an fatty foods and fruit an veg as my symptoms where mostly diarhea so i avoid high fibre. although i had beforehand had both symptoms.

when going out i carry buscapan, loperimide, water to take my tablets with and strong smelly spray encase i ever have to use the toilet when am out as it is embarrassing. i also have a cant wait card which i have never had to use and disabled toilet key which u can get when u have ibs from the link on this sites home page. this is good as it means no waiting when u really have to go or if u feel u have to go.

you find coping strategies on here, like i also take anxiety herbal tablets from holland an barrat which i take before bed an in the morning before i go out .. take it step by step. you need to make that step to go out when you do maybe try going a little further, plan where has toilets if u have to. then go a little further even time how long uve been out for an ul see it gets longer an longer. you can do it !!! unfrotunatly we are all in position that we have to get on with it as we have no choice ... jus think this condition affects alot of people

hope this helps :)

cazza1979 profile image

thank you everyone your replies mean alot, i do have the cant wait card and have never used it (im scared incase i still get refused) and i also have a key for the disabled toilet which makes me feel more relaxed, and i feel so frustrated that i feel its not also ruling my life but my husband and childresn lifes as well, my husband is my god send he never complains and tells me if i cant go out then he doesnt push me or make me do anything i dont want too, my husband also said i should use the card at first like a "test run" and show it even if i dont need it that way i can reassure myself which places will and which wont if any xx

in reply to cazza1979

Hello Cazza1979, your husband says excatly like my husband. He don't like to push me if I don't want to then I wont. But I'm like you I'm scared to use my card, I have a disabled key it makes me feel more at ease to a private toilet. I'm not letting the ibs rule my life, I rule it now. x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Hi, I have been really good for the past 10 years by eliminating as much as possible stress..... Stress really kills me brings ibs on in full force ... But I know were you are coming from... I go out where I know there will be toilets.... If I go To the nearest bigger town I can get a bus or take the train .. I take the train cos of toilets which is a pain when I have a free bus pass and have to get a taxi to the train... And no I am not rolling in money far from it ....so going to the bigger town for shopping I can't get where I live is a luxury and not done that often but by forward planning I can enjoy it.

Drummermum profile image

Reading these posts gives me hope and makes me realise 'I'm not the only one'. All these stories are so familiar. I too have a key, a card, spray, Immodium, Coedine etc and only go where I know there are toilet facilities.

My son started uni yesterday and we had to make a 4hr journey by car to get there and 4 back. The stress beforehand was massive - not just because of him leaving home but also because of the thought of the journey. Normally I have to think long and hard about travelling or even going somewhere new.

However I'm pleased to say I made the journey ( the M1 has lots of facilities) without any incidents! It is awful being so anxious about travelling and it does restrict you in so many ways. But getting through yesterday has given me a bit more confidence. -for now.

janjanjan profile image

Hi everyone. I have had IBS for 44 years. I have just ordered my can't wait card from bladderandbowelfoundati... If you go to this site you can get a Cant Wait card for a £5 pound donation.. I am waiting for mine as it can take upto 10 working days to receive! I like the rest of you I hate the thought of going out...I take Imodium 2 in the morning and 2 at night...most the time i am ok...then bang i either have it one way or the other for about 5 days....Then it all settles down...But i do have a bucket in the boot of my husbands car just incase!! But have never used it as he has always got me to a loo on time :-) I also do all of the above Taxis etc etc. It is so nice to feel not alone and i am so glad i joined this site!!!

keskinny profile image
keskinny in reply to janjanjan

Thanks. Didn't know of this site seems good.

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