Hi, can I ask has anyone cut nexium on their own before? How did you get on? How long did it take before you felt normal and did you ask your doctors advice 1st? Got appointment to see doctor in 10 days, do I wait until then or just do it now! Help if you can all comments about this only welcomed! Thanks.
Query to those fellow I.b.s sufferers - IBS Network
Query to those fellow I.b.s sufferers

I reduced my dose of omeprazole (which I think is the same sort of PPI as Nexium), by going down to one every other day. Then taking the dosage right down to the minimum ( with omeprazole it's 10mg). I can't come off it entirely but a very small dose every other day has more than halved the amount I'm taking and I'm ok with that. Don't stop it suddenly - you will be fine for a few days and then wham!! The heartburn is awful and you will end up right back on the full dose. My GP told me none of this - it was only when I stopped taking it altogether and ended up phoning the pharmacist in despair, that he told me how to do it.
Good luck.
Agree with binks on this .i was on nexium for sometime .Then started to read about side effects and downside of PPIs . Slowly came off over several weeks .however also doing FODMAPS diet at same time and started eating raspberries 3to 4 times a week as that was a FODMAP fruit I was allowed . Then ,by chance read something about Raspberries being good in combatting Heartburn .Cannot remember the details.Anyhow now do not suffer Heart burn at all . No longer have to sleep on a wedge pillow ,which I did for years and am now completely free of Heart burn . Sounds strange I know ,but look up benefits of raspberries as you may wish to give it a go .I happened to mention this to a friend ,in passing .She has tried it and reports improvements after a month only .As someone who is a slave to IBSC and Was afflicted by Heart burn I am willing to try anything ........and have over the years ! I mentioned it to my GP ,in a jokey kind of way and he treated it with the same disdain that he has for all the other things I have tried that he considers "alternative "However I think Raspberries have succeeded where his PPIs had failed ! Cheers and good luck
Hi Huston, wow thanks for the info, I love raspberries! I have been on p.p.i's for just over 2/3 years, how did you cut them out? I have been ill for a week recently I'm finally on the mend and feeling a lot better than I did this time last week! I have just had my medication upped a few weeks a go, to 40mg of Nexium but then due to stress last week, exactly 1 week ago I went to see a doctor (a different doctor), about my increase in acid, I have now been Gaviscon to take ON TOP of the Nexium, which to my mind is ridiculous, it's just playing with my health and treating the symptoms! Also can you say how you told your doctors and what did they say? Help I've had enough! Please comment back this website is such a useful lifeline!
I gradually reduced dosage over time .cut out foods that I knew gave me heart burn,and slept on a wedge pillow at all times ,even taking one with me when away from home .Avoided Gaviscon as well as it only suppresses reflux .Have you had a camera down your throat to examine the health of your throat etc . ? I did and discovered I had a hiatus hernia which was contributing to reflux as well .what you discover very quickly is that the average GP finds IBS and related maladies ,like Reflux ,stomach acidity .chest pains whatever, all such a mystery ,after all tests prove negative ,that they basically either throw pills at you or give up .so get researching yourself ,tell your GP that you want to take charge of your condition and work with him /her to alleviate the symptoms to live as normal a life as possible .This site is full of people doing just that ,and a great deal of what they post is as a result of there searches and experiments to find ways through this that work for them and might work for others . cheers
hi never heard of anyone taking this for ibs. more like for heartburn.
IBS is not confined to the colon - lots of us who have IBS also have upper gastro symptoms as well.

We would not advise anyone to stop medications without discussing this with you doctor first.
Kind regards
The IBS Network Advisory Group