I have pain left abdomen hip and waist to lower back abdomen feels like pressure/spasm in the morning when I get up it’s not really noticeable but as soon as moving about it starts again. I have mebeverine and buscopan I have anxiety so that’s not helping as worrying. I’ve had blood test and urine test so on antibiotics now for urine test any help would be lovely
I have pain left abdomen hip and waist & lower... - IBS Network
I have pain left abdomen hip and waist & lower back the abdomen feels like pressure in morning when get up it feels ok but moving it starts

could it be where you need to open your bowels in the morning? As it’s usually walking around that will stimulate it, does it feel better after you have been to the loo?x
mostly IBS D
Just left side pain from hip into abdomen and feels tender
Are you under a gastroenterologist? You should tell them if these are new symptoms so that they can do any necessary tests to check if there is anything going on as we can only give basic advice. Antibiotics do cause gastric upset I had months and months of them and they destroyed my bowels xx
I have been doing yoga for the past year and have found it very beneficial.I also suffer from anxiety which makes my IBS worse.
Something else I discovered by accident was a chew called gin gins from Holland and Barrett as long as you like the flavour of ginger.
Nothing ever takes the symptoms away completely but I find these things make my IBS more manageable.
The type of yoga I practice is Iyengar.
thank you I will try both I’ve never done yoga before but I need to stop worrying that the pain is something else
here is the advice I got from my doctor, and which was in line with the advice from the NHS (National Health Service UK). "You'll usually only take mebeverine if you're having a flare-up of your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. Stop taking mebeverine when you feel better. This may take up to 2 weeks. Talk to a doctor if your symptoms are no better after taking mebeverine for 2 weeks, or if they get worse at any time.