I'm Adam. I’m a 44 yr male. I’m new here, but I have suffered from IBS for the past 15 years and have been on quite a long journey with it! I’m posting this message to introduce myself and see if my symptoms match those of others.
For me, a flare-up involves a particular pattern. (1) something happens in my tummy on day one, then (2) I develop aches and pains in my body, particularly my upper back and neck. But I also feel tender in other areas, like my hands. I understand it to be inflammation. This pain can last anywhere between 24 hrs and many weeks. The aching and pain is not horrific, but uncomfortable and constant.
I say ‘something’ happens in my tummy because it’s pretty hard to explain, but I know that something has changed, and my tummy is not functioning normally. It feels sluggish and heavy. The actual tummy pain is quite mild; it is the body pain that is much harder to deal with and impacts my mental well-being. I feel tired, irritable, and generally depressed.
I have a flare-up routine: I take strong (prescribed) pain killers, I try to avoid inflammatory foods, I take lots of baths (the heat seems to help, bit probably because it is relaxing). I then try and wait it out.
I’ve never discovered any particular food triggers. I tried the FODMAP diet but found no apparent culprits for flare-ups.
In terms of treatment, for a few years I used an antidepressant that the GP prescribed to me (because it numbed the nerve endings in my tummy). I used this for about five years, but I came off it recently as I was not convinced it was helping me much. In the meantime, I started using some Symprove as a daily probiotic, and I think this is generally helping. I still get flare-ups, but I get fewer of them, and they don’t seem so bad when they come.
I know my IBS is linked to my mental health in some way. We recently had a bereavement in my family, and this appears to have triggered a flare-up, which took a long time to shake off.
I have tried silicone gel in the past, but I haven’t used it consistently. I’ve had another flareup today and I’m test if any way helps.
Anyway, I’m sharing this in the hope that others might have similar symptoms and to find some comfort in knowing I’m not alone here! I’ve come to accept that it is a thing I have to live with but I really wanna live as well as I can and manage in a way that doesn’t mean every time I have a flareup I spiral and have a mental health crisis.
at the very least just being part of this network in somewhere helps!