I am Jenish from United States.
I have been suffering from this discomfort and irritating pain in the left abdomen since April 2013. I was in Belfast, UK at that time, studying PhD there. It took about 6-7 months for the NHS (UK health service) to figure out that I was suffering from IBS. Meanwhile, I had ultrasound scan test, blood & urine test, sonography test and finally sigmoidoscopy in October 2013. Results of all these tests were normal. From the sigmoidoscopy test report doctor said that I am suffering from IBS.
Now, the journey started J Initially I was given the Spasmol tablets which are generally to be taken 30-60 minutes before meal, 1 tablet 3 times a day. I continued using for about 2 months or so. It didn’t help me. Then, they gave me Colpermin tablets, it contains basically peppermint oil and this tablet helped me up to some extent. I was taking it everyday before meal, 1 tablet 3 times a day. Now, it was going well, but I was not satisfied completely. I started searching online about the different views about IBS that many people have posted online on websites. Then, I came across very useful book, called Listen To Your Gut. I found very useful information about different concepts on health issues related to the gut, stomach, abdomen, etc. I found very useful probiotics, Healthy Trinity – Natren brand, which helped me very well for longer period. I also take Absorb Plus powder which is all natural nutritious, high protein elemental liquid diet as a part of my regular breakfast.
As it is well known that guts and brain are correlated, both affect each other. IBS is greatly affected by stress at mental, physical and emotional level. For my stress-management, I follow Sudarshan Kriya (also known as SKY breathing technique), which is a natural rhythmic breathing technique.
I bow down to peppermint oil, Healthy Trinity, Absorb Plus and SKY breathing technique. J
I am not a Doctor, but I am just sharing my authentic experience on dealing with IBS, so that it can help others.
Stay happy and healthy
God bless you!