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Laxido orange...

John_70 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all,I'm new to the community and this is my first post.

I've had bowel problems on and off for many years but found they worsened in November 2022 when I was prescribed Laxido 2 to 3 times daily.

Unlike usual the symptoms returned immediately after stopping laxido but was told by my GP its safe to carry on taking daily since.

When I've voiced my concerns on my many doctors and hospital appointments over the last 8 months ivecrepeatedly been told to carry on.

Since then things have slowly gotten worse abd ground to a halt, my stomach just gets bloated and painful and I've lost the urge to even go despite having a full bowel.

So far this year I've had at least 30 doctors appointments, have been hospitalised with hyponetramia (caused by sodium deficiency) diagnosed with low folate and spent a week in hospital having Xrays and CT scans all to no avail.

All this began after starting Laxido for a bout of constipation.

Last week I was diagnosed with potential diverticulitis and put on a course of Metronizadole which finishes today.

While I have noticed a mild improvement to the constant ache in my lower left tummy I'm still left unable to move my bowels, I don't even really get the urge and feel like my bowel is restricted.

When I do go I don't get any of the normal feelings I used to get, I just feel my lower tummy and bowel are full and have to sit and push hard to move even liquid.

Even passing wind is a struggle and unless I turn my stomach contents into liquid with laxatives every day (Laxido) I find it imposdible to go and rarely even get the urge, just pain bloating and discomfort

My symptoms are that of a blockage but scans and Xrays showed there is none and failed to draw any real conclusions.

While it was good to find out it wasn't anything nasty I'm left feeling deflated and really down as this raises more questions than gives the answers which I've been desperate for.

I've been referred for a colonoscopy as an outpatient but I'm worried about a couple of things given I'm finding it difficult to even pass wind, is it true they pump your bowel full of air and water?

This will be a huge problem for me after the procedure due to the tightness (for want if a better word) in my lower left bowel and difficulty in passing wind and stool.

Will a gastroenterologist be present so I can voice what I'm concerned about and why?

Also has anyone else experienced problems after using Laxido long term as I really feel this is now irritating the whole area in my lower left tummy and has made what was a bout of constipation in November 2022 to this day a round the clock ongoing living nightmare.

I've found myself isolated and alone because of this, I'm practically housebound only leaving home to go to appointments and feel like I'm banging my head off a brick wall trying to get answers as everything I try and do just draws a blank.

Any advice or feedback would be massively appreciated,

J 😊

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John_70 profile image
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14 Replies
Bugsmum12 profile image

Hi John, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Have you looked at Dr William Chey, University of Michigan ( gastroenterologist for over 30yrs). He did a Youtube interview that explained everything Gut. It gave me a better knowledge of whats going on.

John_70 profile image
John_70 in reply to Bugsmum12

Hi Bugsmum and thanks for the info. I hadn't heard of William Chey so I've just done a YouTube search and found a short video of him him and several videos ranging from 10 mins to an hour so I'll look through and see if I can find the interview in question and anything else that's relevant,

Thank you 😊

Wallace-s profile image

Hi there.

I’m a long term Laxido user - but I ulternate the dosage to my needs, normally 1 sachets; 4 days in a row, then none for 4days and repeat (fits round my work: 4on/4off)

For me it helps tremendously as I generally suffer IBS-C, but do t struggle with wind etc

Regarding the colonoscopy- I doubt a doctor will be present, but I could be wrong.

All I can offer as help and advice is with trappped wind = lay on your bed on you back and raise your legs against a wall and raise your body so most o f your weight is resting on your kneck and cycle your legs - gravity will help release the air from you Bowels.

Best of luck

John_70 profile image
John_70 in reply to Wallace-s

Thank you for all the info and advice, I've had yet another sleepless night with wind and bloating.I'm currently taking up to 4 Laxido per day on a low fibre/low residue diet and try to stick to 2 maximum but I feel like things are slowly getting worse and all if my pleas for help with my GP are falling on deaf ears. Hopefully the problem gets diagnosed soon as I've been like this since last November, begging for help but no further forward.

I'll have a lay down and try that method you recommended for moving trapped wind, thank you 😊

Wallace-s profile image
Wallace-s in reply to John_70

to me that’s too much Laxido- use as an aid but certainly not to ‘’make’ things happen.

You mention low fibre diet, but consider the 2 types (google would be the better option than me explaining😁) as reducing it significantly can also compound your issues.

The BIGGEST issue with ‘IBS’ is getting doctors to listen and help, and get the RIGHT subsequent help = in real terms IBS actually means nothing, there are many many causes of an irritable bowel and the ‘go-to’ method for GP’s is often generic and can take a long time for them to actually be able to action anything of substantial help.

Good luck, try things, experiment- and seems to me that a good walk may also help you : don’t underestimate the calming effect of just simply walking on the gut🙏🏻

All the best🙏🏻

John_70 profile image
John_70 in reply to Wallace-s

All great and relevant information, thank you! And I do feel everything is at a standstill with this low fibre diet though my dietitian dud advise to start adding small amounts of fibre when things improved after being badly backed up, so to speak so maybe it's time to reintroduce small amounts.I do go on walks but daren't go too far at the moment as I'm so light headed and weak through being unable to eat properly.

Thank you again for the advice it's all very much appreciated 🙏

Krisbetty profile image

Hi i was told by my doctor that Laxido can cause more gas in you so ask for a different laxative. I have just seen a gastroenterologist and he has prescribed consella for IBS C your GP cannot prescŕibe. It has helped me greatly . I had a colonoscopy and it was okay yes the do pump in air but they use buscapan intravenously to help dissipate the air.

John_70 profile image
John_70 in reply to Krisbetty

I feel the same way about Laxido and have asked for a different laxative only to be told it's the safest one but next time I see him I'll be sure to ask about that one. The whole pimping air into my tummy for a colonoscopy is a bit off putting given how much trouble I'm having moving trapped wind. I'm prescribed buscopan but every time I use it it seems to just slow everything down and the transit in my tummy is already really slow so avoid it whenever possible using it when absolutely necessary.

Thank you for the info, it's very much appreciated 🙏

Krisbetty profile image
Krisbetty in reply to John_70

Mevribine slow release capsules are better than buscapan so ask your gp to switch you to them. The gastroenterologist i saw recommened i stay on these. I am at the moment using magnesium citrate for constipation i take 1 at night to help sleep and get a bm in the morning. 2 might be okay at first but i went down to 1 as my movements were getting too loose.

John_70 profile image
John_70 in reply to Krisbetty

Thank you again for the advice. I have mebeverine here somewhere, I've been given so many things I've lost track of it all but I'll see if it helps and magnesium citrate is a new one, I'll jot it down and mention it on my next GP visit, thank you! 😊

Alloagirl profile image

Hi John. So sorry to hear your problems. I too suffer constipation , though have diverticulosis it is the medication I take that caused the constipation. I have used Lactulose since last November. I do not have problems with it. I eat a high fibre diet. Though am careful not to make everything ‘brown’ as my physio said, i.e. bread, cereal, pasta, rice. I drink plenty of fluid, decaf tea and at least two litres of water. I am hoping your colonoscopy will show something to help you. These problems may not be life threatening but stop us leading a ‘normal’ life. Wishing you good luck with the colonoscopy.

John_70 profile image

Thank you for your reply alloagirl, I too potentially have diverticulitis but it's unconfirmed until a colonoscopy which I opted to have as an outpatient to avoid getting sent to hospital last week but am regretting that as if I had I would have had it by now. I was told to eat lots of fibre too but eventually got to the point it was making things much worse and have now been put on a low fibre diet by my dietitian wich causes less bloating but doesn't stop what's going on.

And you could not be more right about not having a normal life. I've gone from being an outdoors person always on the go to being housebound within 8 months because I can't go anywhere as I alway feel ill and when I don't feel too bad I use that time to relax and catch up on much needed rest.

It's debilitating and makes it impossible to plan anything, go anywhere or enjoy life.

At the moment I live between the house, the garden and the doctors.

Thank you for your reply it's very much appreciated 😊

Rozzy46 profile image

Dear John

I'm so sorry to hear your story and empathise because I have something similar which is diagnosed as a functional bowel disorder, because CT/MRI/scans and colonoscopy show there's nothing wrong - as would seem to be the case with you. My problem is 'obstructive defecation' where the muscles no longer coordinate properly to move stool down and out through the anus. Have you ever read Irritable Bowel Solutions by Prof John Hunter? He has a useful chapter on this and recommends bowel retraining and breathing techniques to help the body relearn how to do what should come naturally. I imagine you're feeling pretty anxious with being so trapped by your condition, not to mention the misery of trapped wind. But I believe there is help out there and your GP could perhaps help you access GI physiotherapy and help with outlet constipation. I agree with someone else that it sounds like you're taking too much laxido - your body is probably confused. Good luck these problems can be helped. Do you recall what triggered this problem and did you eat a high fibre diet before. Low fibre diets result in gridlock for me.

John_70 profile image

Hello Rozzy and thank you for taking the time to reply.What you're saying does all sound familiar. I haven't heard of John hunter, I'll be sure to have a look at some of his work.

I'm getting an emergency referral from my GP on Monday for a colonoscopy and I'm hoping it shows something they can fix quickly, it's been a long hard journey to get to here and so far I've literally had to beg for help every step of the way.

Up until a couple of months ago I was managing this far better but it just seems to have steadily declined leaving me constantly weak and exhausted.

I dont recall any particular trigger other than I was having bouts if constipation last October though I had been under a lot of stress last year and most if the previous year since my mum had a stroke in May 2021 and passed away in October the same year.

Thank you for all the information and advice, it's all very much appreciated 😊

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