Hi all,I'm new to the community and this is my first post.
I've had bowel problems on and off for many years but found they worsened in November 2022 when I was prescribed Laxido 2 to 3 times daily.
Unlike usual the symptoms returned immediately after stopping laxido but was told by my GP its safe to carry on taking daily since.
When I've voiced my concerns on my many doctors and hospital appointments over the last 8 months ivecrepeatedly been told to carry on.
Since then things have slowly gotten worse abd ground to a halt, my stomach just gets bloated and painful and I've lost the urge to even go despite having a full bowel.
So far this year I've had at least 30 doctors appointments, have been hospitalised with hyponetramia (caused by sodium deficiency) diagnosed with low folate and spent a week in hospital having Xrays and CT scans all to no avail.
All this began after starting Laxido for a bout of constipation.
Last week I was diagnosed with potential diverticulitis and put on a course of Metronizadole which finishes today.
While I have noticed a mild improvement to the constant ache in my lower left tummy I'm still left unable to move my bowels, I don't even really get the urge and feel like my bowel is restricted.
When I do go I don't get any of the normal feelings I used to get, I just feel my lower tummy and bowel are full and have to sit and push hard to move even liquid.
Even passing wind is a struggle and unless I turn my stomach contents into liquid with laxatives every day (Laxido) I find it imposdible to go and rarely even get the urge, just pain bloating and discomfort
My symptoms are that of a blockage but scans and Xrays showed there is none and failed to draw any real conclusions.
While it was good to find out it wasn't anything nasty I'm left feeling deflated and really down as this raises more questions than gives the answers which I've been desperate for.
I've been referred for a colonoscopy as an outpatient but I'm worried about a couple of things given I'm finding it difficult to even pass wind, is it true they pump your bowel full of air and water?
This will be a huge problem for me after the procedure due to the tightness (for want if a better word) in my lower left bowel and difficulty in passing wind and stool.
Will a gastroenterologist be present so I can voice what I'm concerned about and why?
Also has anyone else experienced problems after using Laxido long term as I really feel this is now irritating the whole area in my lower left tummy and has made what was a bout of constipation in November 2022 to this day a round the clock ongoing living nightmare.
I've found myself isolated and alone because of this, I'm practically housebound only leaving home to go to appointments and feel like I'm banging my head off a brick wall trying to get answers as everything I try and do just draws a blank.
Any advice or feedback would be massively appreciated,
J 😊