I’ve got multiple health problems namely:-
Triple Heart Bypass + Mitral Valve Repair
Now diagnosed with Heart Failure
Severe Lumber Spinal Stenosis - Laminectomy Spine Operation
Cervical Stenosis awaiting MRI Scan
I was taking liquid morphine Oramorph then also put on 4 x Zomorph tablets which resulted in being hospitalised with severe constipation. Kept in overnight 2 x enemas plus catheter.
I’ve now been told not to take Oramorph and cut Zomorph to 1 per day.
As a result of all this I’ve suffered terrible constipation for years.
After I came out of hospital I was told to take 2 x Fibogel - this didn’t really work so was told to add Laxido 2 x satchets per day plus 2 x Senna tablets per day.
My BM (Bowel Movements) have been, sometimes 3 days between BM.
Spoke to the GP told me to forget the Fibogel and Senna and to increase Laxido to 2 per morning and 2 per night.
This has unfortunately now sent me the other way and I’ve now had Diarrhoea for 3 days.
Does anyone have any experience of what is the best “cocktail” of constipation relief medication.
Any help/advice would be gratefully welcomed.
Kind regards