What stops me in my tracks, literally (another failed attempt to travel), seems to be gas that builds up that I just can't get rid of leaving me sometimes struggling to even think. (My wife is complaining she is unable to stop breaking wind due to some things she eats, I say be careful what you wish for ...)
I think this is pretty mild compared to some of your experiences and has to be fixable. I try yoga positions (but try those in a public toilet or in a train loo), peppermint, windeze, buscopan, everything; just started fennel.
One thing is, I have been taking Laxido every evening to keep things moving, as the absolute worst thing for me is for my guts to be stuck, with Senna (Senokot) apparently (but see jpedsurg.org/article/S0022-... ) not good over long term. Doctor says no problem taking Laxido as long as I like, but having stopped eating just about everything I can think of that could cause wind and having tried all kinds of medicines and tricks, that just leaves a) it's me, too bad or b) doh! it's Laxido (for which gas is a noted side effect). So I'll pause that and be take a bit of Senokot instead.
So has anyone else detected a correlation between gas and Laxido, and ditched it to good effect?