Still waiting for a diagnosis. 8 days diarrhea, stopped 5 days later 4 days diarrhea. GP told me to wait until I see a consultant, which could be months away. Any tips to reduce this happening on such a regular basis. Living on dry toast and Imodium at the moment.
Tips on reducing regular bouts of diarrhea. - IBS Network
Tips on reducing regular bouts of diarrhea.

Wish I had some advice. That sounds terrible. Maybe some others here with IBSD can help.
Very difficult to make any suggestions until you get a diagnois. If you have concern about your condition and if you can afford it get a private consultation with a Gastroenterolgist. Take care
While you are waiting, try the fodmap diet. It is much healthier than living on toast and Immodium.Also, check that you are not lactose intolerant. .
Hi, I have IBSD and have recently brought some imoduim ibs relief of amazon, I take one at night and it seems to be helping quite alot. I know it's not ideal taking them all the time but it's worth it, specially when you have a busy day out the house.
The doctor was sure I have IBS and nothing else going on. But when I started with it, I got a week of very loose stool, followed by a normal few days, followed by 4 loose days, then back to normal for a while. This went on in that pattern, up and down. There have been symptom free periods, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, and there have been 'flare ups' of a couple of days followed by a slightly dodgy belly, then it steadies out. I have to watch what I eat at those times.
IBS seems to behave like that for me anyway.
You could try low fibre diet, something like white toast, white pasta, white rice, white cous-cous, peeled boiled potatoes, baked or steamed white fish like cod, haddock or hake, boiled eggs, chicken breast baked in tinfoil. Salt only for seasoning. Maybe some vegetables like a few cooked green beans or any veg that feels ok on your gut. You'll have to try things out and see what suits.
Stewed peeled apple might help. Maybe bananas? (but bananas don't help me.)
Keeping low fibre for a while can help very loose bowel movements.
Thanks for the advice, at the moment I seem to be in remission, 3 days since the last rush to the loo. I have a fairly bland low-fat diet as it is as I suffer from cholecystitis and heart issues. I think as you say it is a case of trying something and seeing how things go. I only have a microwave so I might need to buy a steamer and learn to cook! The very best of luck to you.