I'm nearly 19 and I've had IBS type M (goes from diarrhea to constipation then settles down eventually) for about a year. To deal with it I had taken mebeverine which didnt do much, biupspen and peppermint oil that help a bit better and have gone gluten free/ wheat free. For the past month or so I've had a really bad flare up which is very painful, getting really bad these past couple of weeks where I've had to miss college due to either running to the toilet all the time, or being too much in pain and have tried to go on the FODMAP diet for the past 2 weeks. Things are improving a little yet not significantly and I'm very tired, which is a worry as I'm starting to fall behind on work and some teachers aren't the most sympathetic sometimes suggesting I drop out which adds stress!
Any ideas on how I can have quicker improvement that I really need?
Also is homemade jam ok on FODMAP diet?
The ibs sufferer currently in sloth state