Im beginning to think that my problem is in the small bowel. Its the one area that has not been investigated. The focus has been on the large bowel. I get awful pain if i lay down, like theres a brick in the lower belly and yet the belly is soft. I THOUGHT i had a bowel blockage but the CT scan was okay. Ive lost 6 kilos, muscle shrinkage, nauseated. Gastroenterologist just says functional like they work from a script. Im so fatigued and low in iron but the FIT tests have come back normal twice.
Still no answers!: Im beginning to think that my... - IBS Network
Still no answers!
tony11173, geranylgeraniol is an interesting substance to review. It has many fascets, one of it's benefits is addressing muscle wasting. See what it does for the gut and elsewhere.
Have you been tested for Sibo ?
No. Is there an easy way to check ? thanks!

You’ll need to ask your consultant for a Sibo test , I had mine done this way & it was done through the NHS , it’s a lactulose breath test
Okay, thanks.
I have exactly the same, constant severe pain like there's a large brick in my colon, it's a million times worse when I lay down and stops me from sleeping at night. It's been like this for months and I've had scans, blood tests etc etc, and docs say they don't really know what's causing it. I'm at the end of my tether and feel like I'm just being fobbed off by them. Going to see yet another gastroenterologist end of month, don't hold out much hope
Good luck. I paid to see a private gastroenterologist. Unfortunately, no more forward. I wondered about inflammation that isnt picked up on tests. Do you suffer sitting in a chair?

Yes, it's always there but worse when laying down
When i stand up, theres no pain, isnt it odd!

I also think it's odd, I can walk around and am pretty ok, but laying down is the worst, I feel like my colon is hard and heavy and if I turn on my side in bed I feel like there's a weight inside me as though it's not attached where it should be. Hard to explain really. Keeps me from sleeping
tony11173, our foods and supplements lack sufficient magnesium and thiamine needed for the brain gut axis to function properly, Adequate magnesium is needed for thiamine to become it's activated form. Magnesium has a calming effect on the body but stress causes loss. Search on "krispin magnesium" for a list of others. One form, magnesium threonate, is able to pass the blood brain barrier easier than other forms however it's a good idea to use several as each contributes unique benefits. The krispin site has a formula to calculate daily magnesium. Like magnesium, thiamine is diminished by anti thiamine factors. A comprehensive listis found on the stuttersence blog. Search on "stuttering anti thiamine factors". Research the fat soluble thiamine forms Benfotiamine, TTFD and Sulbutiamine for the benefits they offer. The B vitamins work better together so get to know more about each of them. I hope this information offers a possible answer for you. Always consult your health care professional before using any supplement.
Thanks for this information. Something i can focus on for possible answers. Take care.