I haven’t been officially diagnosed with IBS and have been fine for months and in the last month have had a flare up. (I can only put this down with doing an aspect of my old job with my old boss as a temporary fix in the business, loved the job didn’t like the boss). Left side pain which constantly wakes me in the night… impossible to sleep on my side… I am ok if I stand all day or walk about but the second I sit down, the dull ache starts… took some senna 2 days ago just to help things along.. and woke in the night with the worst pain like a burning sensation on the left hand side (a bit like when you have an ulcer in your mouth) there is no blood in the poo, I did a normal ish poop this morning and have been ok all day… just sat down again and the dull ache starts again. Have an appointment in 2 weeks with the hospital for a consultation about having a colonoscopy, I tried buscopan, ibuprofen to no avail and ended up having a co-codamol which did take the edge off the pain… Does anyone have any hints tips ?
Fed up with pain : I haven’t been officially... - IBS Network
Fed up with pain

Sorry you have this pain It sounds difficult.
Senna does frequently cause griping pains, and in you a burning pain. I remember that from childhood. My mum's solution to my negative reply to "have you been??" bless her.
I wonder if lying down somewhere maybe on a firm bed or couch or thick rug etc, and listening to some beautiful low volume music then doing a colonic massage (start on lower right where the appendix is, then gently go up to liver area, then across to left side, massaging gently with fingertips, then down left side, following the track of the colon might help?
I do that when I get trapped wind that really hurts, and it does ease things. I don't do it like I'm scared of my gut,though I often am , but like I'm treating it kindly with some love.
Hi, I find a hot water bottle works wonders.I was waking in the night with left sided pain as well. Doctor prescribed low dose of amitryptline taken at bed time and this has really worked.
Hope you find something that works for you.
Take care x
Co-codamol is good for pain although the codeine can have unwanted effects. One of which is constipation. I did take it for a while, because my IBS was causing stools which were too loose. I only took a very small dose, but found the effect was wearing off and I didn't want to take too much as codeine can be addictive if taken in too large doses for too long. If you didn't get a diagnosis yet it's best not to self medicate at all until you're sure of what you are dealing with. A couple of paracetamol is OK, but not especially effective.
Colonoscopies are no fun, the preparation and bowel clearing are almost as bad as the actual procedure, but I would push for one if you are having symptoms which you can't really explain, just so you can properly get to the bottom of it (no pun intended). I would say, if you do have a colonoscopy, have as much sedation as they will give, don't be brave and think oh it's nothing. It isn't nothing, it can be very painful with nothing to relax you.
No-one should be saying, oh it's irritable bowel without having explored everything else that could be causing these symptoms
I am pushing for a colonoscopy regardless, then I will have some answers which will be less stressful and less worry and hopefully I can manage it better.. thank you for responding
No probs. Yes, keep pushing for one. You need answers, and it's always better to know. You can't manage any condition unless you know what it is. Frustrating as it is to have had tests to be told, we can't find anything it must be IBS. As you can see there's a multitude of people out there willing and happy to help where they can