I've been told I have IBS. I've had a colonoscopy and it was normal. Tested for celiac, that was normal, and all my bloodwork was fine. I'm doing a breath test for SIBO this week. My question is this. Is it part of IBS to have some sort of stomach pain/ache everyday? Sometimes the pain is on my upper abdomen, sometimes it's a dull ache in my lower abdomen, It seems like I only have a day or two a week with no pain or ache at all. I alternate between constipation and looser stools. No pain at night. Limited my diet so much, but still having issues which is why my doctor is testing for SIBO. Just looking for reassurance! Also the pain is not severe, just bothersome and uncomfortable.
IBS pain: I've been told I have IBS. I've had a... - IBS Network
IBS pain

Did your GP diagnose you with IBS. you have to realise unfortunately alot of doctors are not knowledgeable on IBS and the digestive tract. Please don't worry as it could be something really small. I had anorexia for over 11 years and had stomach issues for ages. my GP put this down to IBS. I tried loads of diets and eliminating certain foods. I to never suffered pain but uncomfortable
Gas . stomach growling.. Some lower discomfort . Constipation.
can I ask have you taken or currently taken anything to help
I may be able to advise you on what has helped me.. I've spent fortunes trying stuff in the past but alot of its all a scam x
My GP diagnosed me, but a gastro did the tests. I'm currently seeing a functional medicine doctor that is running the SIBO and stool tests. I've tried the low fodmap diet, peppermint oil, etc, but nothing helps for very long. I'm tired of having a constant stomach ache, and worried that it's something worse.
Just be really careful listening to other peoples advise on meds and tests. I know it can be reassuring hearing there ideas.but what I have learnt that what works for ohters may not work for me me. It's your busy and we all work differently. I had suffered with an eating disorder for years and have had stomach problems for along time due to restricting. people told me to cut out gluten and dairy. Do low FODMAP etc. I to had loads of tests but any thing sinister was ruled out and was diagnosed with IBS. However I still don't think it's ONE and actually only something rather small that is fixable. I've done so much research and there a is so many on going tests to do with our digestion. Have you had an electrolyte and sodium blood test to check that s your digestionis producing it's own.. it can be a real simple fix through using enzymes and Pro biotics . I am using some that have definetly made a huge diff to me. It isn't easy bit sometimes when we think to much about these issues it makes it worse. feel free to message me as happy to share more of my experience. I've spent so much money on health products that havnt worked and would set e.g. and prevent anyone doing the same xx
Hi there,
I think everyone is different. I used to have stomach pain/ ache every day. It's good that you are being tested for Sibo.
You may also like to consider this too: sickofibs.com/ibs-triggers/...
You have exactly the same symptoms as me. Except I get severe pain at night. Been suffering now for years I. Very really had enough.
I've just been reading Peter Whorwell's book, Take Control of your IBS, you might find it helpful. Some pain or discomfort every day is not unusual in IBS.
Your symptoms sound exactly the same as mine.I had a ct scan a few weeks back and nothing sinister found. My Dr's keep saying they haven't had results yet so not sure what I can be doing to help myself in the meantime.
Don't have much faith in my Dr atm
Hope you manage to get yourself sorted