I don't normally take imodium for ibs d I took 2 instant ones on Fri since taking them I've felt really dizzy and my piles have started bleeding has anyone had the same problems?
Imodium: I don't normally take imodium for ibs d... - IBS Network
I hope someone can advise you…I’d check with my dr on Monday morning. Make sure you stay hydrated……sports drinks, etc
I take Imodium regularly for IBSD and have not had this side effect. Maybe if your diarrhoea has become worse recently, you could have an infection which could cause the dizziness. This happened to me a few weeks ago when I thought my IBS had taken a severe downward turn and I felt horrible in myself, but actually I think now I either eaten something bad or it was viral. Now back to my 'usual' diarrhoea' for which the Imodium works really well for me. Hope you feel better soon.
So you take imodium regularly dose it cause constipation? Do you mind telling me how old you are? I'm 62. I read somewhere that being 60 and over especially in women it can cause your hemherroids to bleed. I normally have ibs mixed.
I'm 63. On the whole, I don't find the Imodium makes me constipated but if things get a bit too slow I just miss a dose and then things get back to normal, ie, can go easily, but not too easily and not too hard. I take 1 in the evening and 1 in the morning with my GP's approval. She says it is safe to take long term and it helps me lead a near normal life. At first, I was reluctant to be taking it, but I've come to terms with it now and decide it's no different to people taking a blood pressure pill, etc, every day and it's all about quality of life at the end of the day. With regard to haemorrhoids. I do have a large haemorrhoid, but it has never bled due to taking the Imodium. What makes it bleed is constant diarrhoea or constipation, but if I can keep things at the right level of not too loose and not too hard, then it doesn't cause me a problem. It's trial and error and finding the dose to suit you.
Thank you for your prompt reply I had, had diorhea all last week that's why I took the imodium in the first place 2 instant ones as I was going out for the day. I normally let it run it's course the diorhea ( no pun intended)
You don’t know that the Imodium made your haemorrhoid bleed. It may have bled even had you taken nothing. Haemorrhoids are notorious for bleeding. For peace of mind just mention it to your pharmacist. Con amore Bx
I do the same as you but so far I just take one in the morning after a bowel movement, but I'm going on holiday in September so I will be getting a lift to the airport the car journey is about an hour and a half and I don't want to be asking the driver to stop and I will be leaving very early at about 6 so I don't know what to do regards to the Imodium, any information on that would be great thank you
I've recently started taking Enterosgel, as somebody further down has also recommended. I take this in the morning just once a day and I must say it is really helping. It firms everything up but also seems to have helped with the wind and gurgling which is a real problem ofor me. The biggest drawback is the cost if it. It's very expensive. However, in your situation travelling I would definitely take an extra Imodium at bedtime and before you leave as it will give you peace if mind.
I haven't had the problem but do you know you can get imodium in liquid form so can take very small doses
I take 1 imodum instance one in morning for maintenance and it seems to work you know imodum can cause dehydration so you need to drink plenty of water and that's probably why you were dizzy
I always worry that if I take too much immodium, my body might get used to it and then it becomes less effective. Has anyone ever experienced this? I have started taking Enterosgel as well recently. I got through Glastonbury taking 1 sachet a day and 3 immodium over the 5 days, which is pretty good for me. so i am going to continue to take 1 sachet every other day and see how that goes (to save on price!)