Imodium for anxiety : Hi one and all! I have... - IBS Network

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Imodium for anxiety

Rymz profile image
27 Replies

Hi one and all!

I have recently been suffering with bad anxiety and have panic attacks feeling the need to use the toilet! At first I thought it was IBS but I realised the anxiety only comes when I'm stuck in traffic or going on long drives and get worked up if I feel there isn't a toilet in site! The other day we were about to go through the black wall tunnel but the traffic to get there was terrible and there was no way out! Then my stomach started to turn and all my family were in the car! I was recently having the same issues on my 12 minute journey on the train to work and realised this anxiety was taking over my life!

I am now trying to control this but it's very difficult and whilst I've nearly controlled my anxiety on the way to work I haven't controlled long journeys!

Do you think it's ok to Imodium when I about to travel long distances? Does this help anyone? If so which one should I purchase?

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Rymz profile image
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27 Replies
Nicki1984 profile image

Hello I have the same problem Imodium has helped me to break that cycle and lower the anxiety. Do whatever helps you to relax and enjoy your day x

Nicki1984 profile image

There is a good book to help manage anxiety and it's symptoms called Anxiety Panicking about Panic by Justin Fletcher it's helped a lot too. My IBS is anxiety related too mornings used to be the worst but now it's when I'm doing something different or going somewhere new Imodium gives you peace of mind x

Rymz profile image
Rymz in reply to Nicki1984

Thank you for the information I will buy that book as I want to control this now rather than later!

Anxiety does make you need the toilet. I have Extreme Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia + more. I rarely go out cos I'm terrified of messing myself. I wish I could break away from whatever I've got wrong.

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to

You can it's about breaking the cycle but you need to find what works for you maybe some counselling/cbt or self help books is a good start x

Rymz profile image
Rymz in reply to

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you have anxiety too! I had it before some years ago but it was anxiety in crowded places but I was able to overcome that by drinking lots of water and changing my diet! I would never had imagined the anxiety now feeling I need a toilet would affect my decisions on everything! I.e.; taking a train, going on long drives, social gatherings having to keep stopping off and using a toilet! I know I stress a lot in the mornings when doing the school run and then going straight to work but it's nothing I haven't done for the past 13 years! So I wonder what's causing the anxiety!

TRISHLIN profile image
TRISHLIN in reply to

I tell myself every single day (I am a Senior) that God is in control of my life and that with Him, I can do anything. With me, its a matter of faith in something or Someone larger than myself. I know that if I didn't have this kind of faith, I would be in much worst shape. I try to wake up with a grateful heart and put Him in charge of my day. Hope this helps, it is what I do every single day.

The only warning is that sometimes when you take Imodium before the first loose stool- it will leave you wishing you could go and feeling bad cramps from constipation. This happened to me and couldn't go for 24 hours. One medicine that does help is gas x - or even pepto Bismal, tums or rolaids. I wonder if you took something like xanax or Klonipin what it would be like for you.

The last two are anxiety meds - I take "as needed" Klonipin. I once overdid it with Pepto and threw up along side the road. I can honestly say I've had accidents in my pants and just turn around and go home for similar reasons. Try to limit intake of foods that make your stomach upset - my list is soda, ham or pork, greasy foods, or fast food in general, garlic, and onions. I don't know why but all of these things plus anxiety is like shaking up a carbonated drink.

Rymz profile image
Rymz in reply to

I think anxiety is the main issue, I never realised what IBS sufferers went through! Even when someone would say they suffer from IBS I never imagined that it effects so much of your life in different aspects! I just want to go back to the days I never thought about these things before going on a long journey and I do t want to take tablets all the time so I will definitely take something before I set out for a social gathering somewhere far as I know my mind would be at rest from having an accident and then won't get the heavy breathing and severe stomach cramps then wanting to use the loo! Mine was getting so ridiculous that I would get off the train in the mornings to use a toilet and then wait for another train! The ridiculous thing is that the journey is only 12 minutes and once I start panicking the need to use the loo is instant

in reply to

garlic and onions set me off as well and mustard and chutney does and also too much stress.

Pablo7 profile image

I have uclerative colitis ..

Now this condition means that i have experienced many panic attacks of urge incontance.

I have a biological injection to stop this infamation and i use Imodium

Imodium after passing first stool in the morning and one after my second stool after eating .

If your going on long journeys watch your food amount intake i recommend and then for the anxiety i cant say but i feel it and i know these days i am just happy in the fact Imodium is helping for this short period.

Good luck to you and dont let it get you down its only natural to worry about not making it to the toilet , your not alone .

Will1234 profile image

Hi Riss,

I have had similar experiences. When I worked in London years ago, I had 3 tube journeys then an overground train to work. It was hell first thing in morning and there were few easy to reach loos. I also have had in traffic jams , once in Spain I had to pull over to side of road and bolt for some trees--not good and I can sympathise.

My wife notices the anxiety when it starts and she worked out that if she distracted me in some way. Like asking me a question about something I would know about or discussing something, maybe sport or whatever, often the symptoms would recede. I do know exactly how you feel.

I think it is totally the panic of knowing toilet not available. As some other posts have said you need to break the cycle and Immodium works for me.


Hi there Riss, do have a look at the Thrive Programme, it's starting to help with my Emetophobia (I have only just started reading the book and doing the exercises and I'm starting to feel a difference. The reviews are excellent and someone on this forum said that I ought to buy the book as the programme worked for her. They do all sorts of programmes depending on what your anxiety is.

Best of luck

Lisaj22 profile image

Hi .i can so understand what you are going through .i have exactly the same problem ,like you i also had this years ago but i did manage ( somehow! )to overcome it .mine started again last oct when we had a new bathroom put in and there was the fear of not having the toilet there . It got so bad after that i had to take a few weeks off work and went to see my doc who prescribed citalapram 20 mls .i would like to think these help but i still have the thoughts of what if theres no toilet where i go .or worse still what if its out of order ! I take immodium if im feeling a bit anxious and i must say they do work .even if its just giving you peace of mind .i also carry a pair of drawers and black leggings and wet wipes .just in case .it does help .also ive found that sometimes when an attack is starting i tell myself well you must enjoy feeling like this if you keep on bringing it on .i sometimes feel angry with myself and it does make the attack subside a bit .i think if i can bring them on surely i can take them away .i really hope this helps a little bit .all the best x

in reply to Lisaj22

Hi there Lisa, you just struck a nerve from what you have said above, here is my reply to Riss above

Hi there Riss, do have a look at the Thrive Programme, it's starting to help with my Emetophobia (I have only just started reading the book and doing the exercises and I'm starting to feel a difference. The reviews are excellent and someone on this forum said that I ought to buy the book as the programme worked for her. They do all sorts of programmes depending on what your anxiety is.

I am already questioning myself as to why I fee like I do and I can say I am starting to feel a little more positive. You have to finish the programme for it to work and do the exercises but the reviews are amazing for the book. If we can help ourselves well surely that is the best way and of course you are not putting stuff into your body you don't want to.

Lisaj22 profile image
Lisaj22 in reply to

Thank you .ive just been looking on amazon and i am going to buy the thrive book . All the best x

in reply to Lisaj22

Best of luck and you will not regret it; as I say, I am already questioning myself so it's a brilliant book.

Here's to a healthier future in mind and body :) x

janke profile image

I do sympathise as I feel exactly the same. My biggest problem at the moment is that I have to take my very elderly father out quite often and I get very stressed because I can`t just abandon him while I go and find a loo.

Somehow I think we all need to convince ourselves that it would not be a disaster if we did have an accident - after all everyone needs to go to the loo - it shouldn`t be treated as something to be ashamed of. Perhaps we need to start talking about it more. Meanwhile - I have started wearing incontinence type pads on occasions when I know it might be hard to get to a loo. I haven`t actually had an accident but it gives me a bit more confidence.

I'm so pleased

TRISHLIN profile image

every year is different, and what was last year's anxieties, are not especially this years. I have purchased Culturelle and I used to have loose b.m. and these Probiotics have stopped all that. It has worked for me as I had problems whenever stressed in any situation. Maybe this might work,just a thought. Good luck.

Lisaj22 profile image

I completely understand how you feel, i have a ten year old daughter and i am afraid when we are out of having to drag her to find a toilet and i feel i wouldnt like to pick up on my fear .i have had an accident once , and whilst it wasnt obvoiusly my best moment i lived to tell the tale .i just went home in the car and straight to the bath . I find imodium really good .plus i carry my diy kit with me .hope this helps x

hannahjt profile image


I really understand how you feel. I get exactly the same. I thought I just had IBS but when I looked into more and started paying more attention, it only ever flared up when i started worrying about things. Especially my journey to work in the mornings! I used to get in such a state about getting stuck on the A13!

I have taken Imodium, on more than one occasion, to make me feel "safe" on a longer journey. I normally take one of the Imodium instants a day before.

The only reason I take the instants is because that's what I keep in my handbag for in case I get Diaorrohea whilst I'm out. I have also used supermarket own, and they work just as well and are half the price.

I also keep a bottle of the rescue remedy mouth spray with me. Everyone's different, but if I start getting anxious, I find that a couple of sprays really helps. It may be psychological but it works!

Hope this helps. Any questions, just ask.


powerofprobio profile image

Hi! Oh Yikes! Sounds rough! I found some MAJOR relief with this product called Vital Biome. Helps with stress/anxiety BIG TIME! It's a probiotic so it also addresses GI issues too. Wish I had known about it years ago! If you're inclined to try it, here's the link where I get it: Best of luck to you!!

Hiddenaway profile image

Some people swear by the rescue remedy stuff for anxiety, the goof thing is they do pastels, mouth spray and chewing gum. Might be worth a try

Claire-01 profile image

I am sooooo happy to see that it isn't just me that has this fear, I think I'm going mental sometimes! What you are all describing is just how I am ......panic & anxiety before leaving the house for any occasion (school run,walking the dog,shopping,getting petrol even!!) & with 3 kids & a puppy life can be difficult when you are the responsible adult ,supposed to be in charge, but can't even leave the house without God knows how many loo trips (even whilst the kids are sat waiting for me in the car!)then a panicky trip to wherever we are going (usually no further than 20 mins if I've planned it) ,then a further panicky run round to find the loos so I know where they are & a day spent anxiously making sure I'm in reach of them when I have found them. Its absolutely exhausting ,some days I just sit & cry when I can't find the energy to go through it all,its awful. Some days I laugh that I am sponsored by Immodium I use it so much (probably shouldnt but it gets me through a day!) ,god knows what I would do without it . I too have spare clothes ,immodium etc in my bag which goes EVERYWHERE with me & it helps me to relax knowing that if the worst was to happen at least I'm prepared.....would be lovely though to just once get in the car,set off & go without a thought. I wish you all well & hope you all have the strength to get through the bad days. I wish more people realised what some people go through on the inside whilst trying to be "normal" ,maybe then our anxiety would lessen a little.

Franjanu profile image

You can safely take it everyday if you are not constipated get the ones without milk and sugar as that won't help your ibs

Take anxiety herbal remedies and also eat well and set your mind calm sounds easier said than done but it can work I live in the busiest city and it can be very overwhelming


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