I've had symptoms of IBS for about 30 years was diagnosed after a colonoscopy. Recently my symptoms have taken a turn for the worse. I contacted my GP for an appointment to discuss. I received a telephone appointment from the nurse practitioner. She asked a few questions then prescribed Mebeverine. This has worked a treat for the last 6 weeks however it says on the guidance leaflet not to take constantly and only after a flare up. I stopped 4 days ago untill today. I went to the beach with my daughter and our dogs We bought a latte each. An hour into the walk I need to empty my bladder then all of a sudden my bowels opened and the inevitable happened. I hate it when this happens and I wish the earth would open up and swallow me. I cried , I felt so ashamed. My daughter was great and suggested as I'd had a milky coffee that I could be lactose intolerant. I have noticed on a lit if occasions if my bladder is full it simulates my bowels to move which empty first. It's almost like there's no room for both has anyone else experienced this? I'm going to test theory of lactose intolerance and not eat dairy for a week
Bowel bladder interaction: I've had symptoms of... - IBS Network
Bowel bladder interaction

If I remember correctly mebeverine contains lactose but do check the packet as I may be wrong. I became lactose intolerant after a bacterial infection. IBS d symptoms severe d. Antibiotics sorted it. I gave up milk and other lactoses containing products for 6 weeks then gradually introduced them. This might not be the cause for you. Check with your GP. IBS has no positive test for identification. It is assumed when nothing else is identified. It is a syndrome.
Hi thankyou for that. I've read unless a person is highly sensitive to lactose the amount in a tablet is minute and unlikely to cause a reaction. I do drink and eat a lot of lactose mainly in milk cheese and yogurt. I haven't had any tests apart from a stool test I do every 3 years ..which have always been ok. I can't get into see a Doctor. My surgery asks for an email which is then triaged. I feel the mebeverine might be masking an allergy that I should know about
Yes, the amount is tiny . It made my d and cramps worse, whilst others might find it beneficial. Buscopan suited me better.Hope you find a solution.
Mature cheese has only traces of lactose, if any. Have you tried 'Lactofree' milk? This is widely available regular milk that has had an enzyme (lactase) added that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. Plain yogurt is unlikely to still have lactose remaining because the culture uses lactose to give the yogurt it's tang.
I’ve had that medication five times and it worked twice, I never had an issue like that, I would have thought you would be belching if it was the milk, also it may have not be related to anything on your nice day off at all?, I sure hope you find out asap, why not try the fodmap list ?

Hi, I do fodmap and know what seems to trigger..onions, broccoli, spicy food wholemeal bread ...I thought caffeine but it may be the milk in coffee rather than the coffee itself it's so baffling. I was having yoghurt granola and fruit a couple of times a week for breakfast and struggling with my IBS D then on a trip to Italy didn't have that for breakfast and had a great week. My tummy was settled and didn't need to take any anti diarrhea tablets. This and today's episode makes me wonder if I'm lactose intolerant. I'll give a week of no lactose a go and see what happens. Like I say it's sooo baffling and where do you turn for help or advice
My IBD consultant (I do have IBS too past 30 years) always suggests Buscopan. If you buy this OTC it will say use for two weeks only, but the consultant said it's fine to use longer (some use it for months). I would ask the GP. It may help...
Hi. Yes I have very same problem. Scared to leave the house. Ruining my life and my husbandsI hope you get to discover and resolve problem. No one GPs Doctors seem to care or try to help. Thank goodbess Im retired. Please let me know if you get a lactose intolerant test.
I'm also retired now . I have to mentally check before leaving the house where the toilets are ...just in case. I've ordered a kit online that analyses any digestive intolerances from a piece of hair. It's worth a try. Cost £16. I have to feel like I'm doing something. I feel the same it's life limiting. Im single but would love to meet someone for a relationship. It's never going to happen if I don't get out of the house
Hello again. Thankyou for your prompt reply. I have almost given up on everything. I haven't been down this route about testing for intolerances but I will now. Fingers crossed for us both that we can get to the root cause and perhaps resolve some of the issues we face. Is the company that do the testing easy to find if I Google?
I also have a bladder issue, among other bothersome symptoms is what lead to me where I am, the 'IBS' seemed to also appear despite multiple tests, and cameras.
I've said here about importance of getting enough vitamin D and magnesium, and electrolyte in for hydration, I notice its almost a blueprint feeling, urge to go I've gotten either way from a bowel movement or bladder, these are clearly link, and the common factor is muscle. Vitamin D and elemental magnesium m play a huge role in this . A good 4000IU and 400mg elemental Mg is a very base to start from.
It's Lactose intolerance. I get exactly the same if I have too much milk.
I have had IBS for years now. Also take Mebervine and do not have milk. I have almond milk on porridge and in coffee but oat milk upsets me and make me loose. We are all different and find what upsets my tum one day, doesnt another day. So upsetting.
Hi Di you take Mebeverine all the time ?
Hi I take Mebeverine daily for few years now with Loperamide I also have Lactose free milk. If I am going out for the day I use Immodium Instants you put under your tongue and they really help me. Also the fecal accidents caused me severe anxiety I now take Propranolol for that this condition is so disabilitating and depressing I have to force myself to go out. I have not had a test for lactose but I stopped eating natural yoghurt and other dairy products which has been better for me I don't have so many accidents. I find fatty foods also cause my flareups I am limited to so much foods it's a nightmare. Hope you find a solution .
hi , I know what your going through as I have diverticulitis and IBS d and seems like there will never be a cure but I can only say try cutting out any sort of coffee as I can’t take coffee as it makes me poop almost straight away and it’s a complete emptying not a normal poop and I also advise you going for food intorleance test through your GP and also try a good probiotic
My thoughts are with you
Hi after yesterday's unfortunate incident I'm left with 2 possibilities. It happened about an hour after is drank a latte so either it's the milk (lactose) or it's caffeine. I've ordered on line some home tests. Hopefully that may give me an answer 😬
hi. I have interstitial cystitis and IBS. There is a very close connection between the bowel and the bladder as the nerves supplying both lie very close together and can ‘cross talk’ I know that when I’m constipated my bladder pain is worse but if my bowel is full at the same time as my bladder then I can’t hold either in! I feel your pain - the answer in my case was to give up dairy (I don’t have caffeine as it stimulates my bladder) I was already using lactose free dairy products but my consultant said that’s ok if the problem is lactose but often it’s the milk protein itself. After all, humans weren’t designed to drink milk after weaning age and certainly not from another species! I gave up dairy a couple of months ago and the gastric symptoms have disappeared.
Hi SanVeeron
I was under hospital gastroenterologist consultant and have had all the usual test.. couldn’t find anything, but some bloods have show up my pancreas was not producing enough enzymes..
sorry you have had such a awful incident, IV even advised to take Imodium when going anywhere not as it says on packet but just 1 or two when leaving the house which I don’t do very often I was getting caught out at home I just didn’t have any notice and or muscle strength to hold anything in , what has occurred in the past 6 months is I have had a couple occasions when I don’t even know anything has leaked until I smell a scent or when wearing g adult diapers I see even showering has brought on a small leak … I think I have fruit juice as a trigger and when large amounts of fruit are consumed for me that’s just a bowl of berries n cherries normally frozen consultant .. I mostly 80% eat very well but have deficiencies in many minerals n nutrients..
definitely keep food journal
Oh I take expensive meds for my pancreas now thankfully, which honestly has helped, but I don’t want to become dependent on them, I know I can find a way to help my body heal naturally , with Gods grace
Hi thank you for sharing your experience. I used to take imodium as and when. Airports and going somewhere I've never been before causes stress which sets my tummy off. The problem I found with imodium , it caused really bad constipation. Mebeverine which I was prescribed is better but according to the leaflet your not to take it all the time..only after a flare up. I have always been a sociable person who enjoys social interactions. Since I retired 2 years ago I've become more paranoid about leaving the house. My IBS D feels like its got worse. My Doctors are not proactive in organising tests so I'm doing some basic allergy tests just to try to narrow it down a bit. I eat very healthily and all recent blood tests came back normal. It could be stress a caffeine or lactose intolerance but I won't know unless I do these tests
Fingers crossed you progress in a positive way with your medication and life gets a bit easier x