Hi everyone I’ve suffered with IBS for years. Along with M.E. Anyway I’m going through a particular bad phase with the dreaded D. Mainly in the evening. I’m going out for a family meal tomorrow. I’m worried as to whether I’m going to have an attack. So planning on taking a couple of Imodium before hand. Hoping that will see me through. My question is how long before I leave the house. Should I take them? To be the most effective.
Imodium question: Hi everyone I’ve suffered with... - IBS Network
Imodium question

I take prescribed Lomotil (Co phenotype). Ask your GP. I get anxious or nervous before I leave my flat and find myself running to the bathroom every 5-10 mins. I take 2 Lomotil tablets before going out or when IBSd sets in usually 20-30 mins before hand.
From personal experience, more than one Loperamide can give you severe cramps the following day. If I have an event to attend, I just take one well in advance, and it usually does the trick.
I always take 2 Imodium 3 hours before a meal in a Restaurant. A consultant told a friend this advice and it works for me. You can actually take a lot more Imodium than you would think. Have a nice meal without an accident, I know what it’s like xx
It says on the packet an hour before it kicks in
I always take 2 about 2 hrs before leaving the house, and if I'm having a bad flareup, 1 more just before heading out the door. If I'm going on a trip 3 hrs before, on account it makes me need to pee frequently after taking it.

If you need help and support please get in touch theibsnetwork.org
I had my doctor prescribe Colestipol for my chronic diarrhea...stopped it in its tracks!! I take 4 tablets...2 in the morning and 2 in the evening...two others that work like a miracle: Welchol and Questran...
For years, immodium enabled me to work - but it doesn't really solve anything. Look at starting to take a daily probiotic - ultimately that's what changed things for me. As for when to take the immodium - take it a few hours before going out. Keep in mind its your stress level/head that is adding to the issues. Ultimately to reduce my stress I just told everyone - look I have gastric issues so I'm happy to be with you but may have to cut things short if they act up. Everyone has BMs - so remember that - and be cautious as to what you eat. Start a food diary so you learn what is a trigger. Typically IBS suffers need to stay clear of dairy. Enjoy your meal - and try and calm down - ie reduce your stress level.
Yes I’ve been looking at taking a probiotic. It says to take them in the morning with a glass of water. I can’t drink plain water. Hate the taste. It wouldn’t do the probiotic any harm to take it with cordial would it?
I can’t recommend probiotics enough. There’s one on Amazon that has around 20 billion live cultures, made me feel loads better.
I have one a day with any drink I want 🙂